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I enter my apartment, trying to slam the door behind me but fail. Rowan jams his foot in between and opens the door.

"Maria, wait!" he says from behind me.

"What?" I say, stopping near the kitchen counter.

"I told you so many times to stay away from John. He's not good news. He might seem all sweet but he ain't." he says.

Rowan and I...we are each other's sneaky links. We have been sleeping around for a while. We have an agreement that when one needs the other, they should be there.

"It wasn't anything, Rowan. He was just asking for help in some homework" I try to rationalise.

He strides towards me in long strides covering the space between us. It still catches me by surprise. God, he always smells so good.

He leans down and says "But I told you to stay away, didn't I?" He caresses my jaw and it sends tingles down my entire body. I cant seem to say anything. I just want him.
Our faces are so close, mere inches away. I just want to grab him.
He scans my faces, his eyes lingering on my lips. "He's a fucking coward and a pussy, Maria. Stay away. I don't like how he looks at you. Only I get to touch you." He says with finality and I like it when he claims me.

"Well, I didnt listen. So what are you gonna do about it?" I whisper, trying to be a brat just so he puts me in my place.

His eyebrows cock up and his lips twitch up into a smirk and he backs away, leaving me cold. He scans me from head to toe, licking his lips and my insides combust.

"Hmm, I need to teach you a lesson now, don't I?" He says and walks towards me, kissing me hard and my back hits the counter.

At first his kisses are rough and then it turns passionate and filled with hunger, making me forget everything.
He lifts me onto the counter top, never breaking the kiss. I fist his soft hair in my hands trying to get a reaction out of him. He bites my bottom lip and squeezes my ass making me moan and he enters his tongue in my mouth.

He quickly removes my shirt and jeans, and then my bra and underwear, leaving me completely naked and vulnerable in front of him. He breaks the kiss and looks down at me, looking smug. He's in all clothes so I try to remove his shirt but he stops me by grabbing my wrists. "All in good time, sweetheart"he says, making my face turn red.

He lifts me aggressively from the countertop, kissing me again and cupping and squeezing my ass. I moan into his mouth, receiving an agreeing growl from him.
I don't even realise we reach my bed before he puts me down on my back and breaks the kiss, making me whine.

He chuckles and removes his belt and my mind goes frenzy with all the possibilities. He creates a loop and ties my hands to the bed frame, I tug on it but they are bound tight.
He looks at me with dark eyes as if I was a dish to be devoured.

I lie there helpless, waiting for him to touch me and make me beg. He removed his shoes and shirt and then turns me around on my stomach. He caresses my ass and then a sharp pain erupts from my ass and I realised he spanked me. I yelp and he rubs the spot where he slapped my ass.
"You won't talk to him anymore"

He spanks me again on my other check and I whimper. He spanks me again and again but smoothes the spot with his hand. I moan when he spanks me, enjoying the pain.
He chuckles " here I thought you were in pain but you are enjoying yourself"

He flips me over and sees my flushed face. He then climbs on top of me and kisses my neck, nibbling and biting on the skin, leaving his marks. I moan into his shoulder and tug on my arms that are bound.
He moves lower and towards my nipple and my back arches. He grips one breast in one hand and licks the nipple of the other, making me shiver. He hold the breast and squeezes while licking and sucking on the nipple. He twists the other nipple hard, knowing I am sensitive and I scream.

"Rowan" I moan, telling him to go on because I am enjoying the pain and pleasure his tongue and hands are giving. But he pulls away, making me realise he's actually punishing me and there's nothing I can do as I am bound by my hands. I am at his mercy and I like it.

He leans into my ear and whispers "I will make you beg and cry, Maria. You would beg for a release but I won't give it so easily." I whine and he chuckles " you know I love it when you beg for me to fuck you. And I will fuck you senseless but you won't be coming easily"

He lowers his head and goes down my body, reaching my core. He swipes his tongue a couple of times and my back arches, begging him silently to go on. But yet again, he pulls away.
He unbuttons his jeans and pulls it down along with his boxers. And I am always surprised whenever I see his girth and I wonder how it ever gets inside me.

He lowers himself between my legs and swipes his tip across my wet folds, making me shiver. He looks down at his cock touching me and pumps it, his precum oozing out. He looks at me in the eyes and strokes himself, knowing I love to watch him. I bite my lip and he kisses me hard. He pushes into me slowly and I moan into his mouth.

He lets me adjust and begins to move slowly at first, in and out. He continues this pace and I whine and roll my hips.
" What do you want, Maria?"he whispers in the crook of my neck.

"Please, Rowan. Please go faster"

He hums and obliges moving faster, and I moan louder. He's now pounding into me and I can't help the loud moans. He snakes his hand around my throat and grips it. Making me lose all control. "You take me so well, baby"

"Faster, Rowan" I beg.

He goes faster and harder and I scream. He goes deeper too and I haven't experienced anything like it. He hits a spot no one ever has.

He's pounding into me knowing I am close. He leaves my throat and whispers " are u close, baby? You gonna milk my fucking dick?"

I moan loud and my back arches but before I can do anything he pulls out, leaving me empty.
"Say that you are mine. Say that you belong to me. And only I get to touch you and fuck you"

Before I can respond he flips me over and unties my hands. He pushes into me in one thrust and it hurts from the sudden intrusion but I like it. He pumps into me and my walls tighten around him. His dick moves against my walls in slick and rough moves.
"Say it"

He pulls me by my hair and flush against his chest and his other hand goes to my throat. "Say it Maria or so help me god you won't cum tonight"

I scream at the top of my lungs because he is going fast and deep and I can't comprehend my surroundings. He pulls my hair again and I groan. " I am yours, Rowan. I am yours" I moan out.

His hand pulling my hair goes down to my clit and he rubs it. "Good girl" he whispers and I am on edge.

"You close? Beg for it, Maria. Beg for me to let you come"

I cant hold it anymore so I say "Please Rowan, please. Let me come, daddy. Let me show you how much I am yours."

He hums and turns me around, climbing on top and pounding in me again. This time both of us tighten and we come together. Both of us moaning and a panting mess.

Hi guys thank you for reading!!!
Let me know if there are any errors.
I would love some feedback from you guys!!!

Remember to vote and share!!💜

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