The knife

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⚠️TW: Knife play, degradation.

Nathan Wolf. The freak. The loner. The guy I used to bully in high school. But he never took my taunts or insults seriously. Always made a joke about them. It never mattered to me. I enjoyed making fun of him.

But the way he treated my insults, the comebacks that always made me blush or made me frustrated, I wouldn't let it show. But he knew what he was doing.

So I made out with him, once, in high school. Cause he was just so god damn frustrating I wanted to know what he would feel like against me.

My boyfriend got to know. And he got in a fight with Nathan and Nathan pulled out a knife, which got him suspended.
And I haven't met him since.

Fast forward to today's Halloween party, I am dressed like an angel, with a small black mini skirt, a black lace bra and black wings.

While entering into the party with my friend, Eva, I saw him. Those dark eyes, following me, looking at me like he remembered that night. Every moment of it, every touch.

I look away and enter the mansion for the party. Everyone is busy with something, dancing, drinking, grinding against each other. There are people in every corner.

We go outside in the pool area and some guys were playing beer pong.
So I decided to play, cause I got this adrenaline rush from seeing people from high school and I had a reputation to maintain.

Just as I moved towards the table, Jake comes up and greets me. "hey, Addy, how are you?"

Just before I could answer, Nathan comes up and stands besides Jake and I.

Jake tells him to play beer bong with me. I hesitate but Nathan lets out a deep "sure" and smirks my way. I feel so unsure about this. But I was just pulled towards him no matter what I did. So I blushed and made my way to the table.

Jake explained the rules, " So it's basically like truth and dare, if you make a shot you tell the other person a dare and if they can't do it they drink."

Nathan looks my way and says, "I'll make it really easy for you, I make 3 shots in your cup and you become my slave for tonight."

I was stunned, but i knew I couldn't resist this. I managed to say ," and if I make 3 shots before you?"

His eyes grew dark and he says in a seductive voice," I'll do whatever you want."
But we both knew I wanted him to win the game. He knew I was desperate.

We start the game, he makes one shot and I make one shot. He misses the next one but I make a shot. He looks at me and his lips tilt up.
He makes the next shot but I deliberately miss mine. He makes the third shot and everyone goes oohhh. Eva is shocked beside me. She's giving me a look, telling me not to do this. But I have to because i have a reputation to maintain also because I want to see what he wants to do with me.

I give her a look telling her it's okay and look at Nathan. "I made the shots, Adeline. Remember what you have to do?" He says, amusement all over his face.

"I do." I say my voice almost shaking.
He knows I want this, so badly. And so does he.

He takes my hand and drags me away. His hold on my wrist is tight but not hurting. I wonder if he would hurt me how I wanted him to. He takes me to the washroom and locks the door and leans against it, with his arms and ankles folded.

He looks me up and down, taking in every inch. I whimper under his gaze and he noticed. He looked at me in the eye and walked towards me. He played with the hem of my bra and slipped a finger in, caressing my side boob. "What do you want, Adds?"

I wanted to tell him how much he turns me on. Instead i whisper "Fuck me, Nate."

His eyes grow dark and he grabs my hair. "Ask me nicely."

"Please fuck me Nathan." I whimper against him my desperation leaking.

"Good girl." He whispers against my lips, loosing his grip on my hair.

He's amused and he drags me out of the washroom and towards the rooms upstairs.

He locks the door behind him and turns to me. We stare at each other for 3 seconds and he moves towards me, grabs me by the waist and kisses me, rough and passionate, slow and sluggish. He sucks my upper lip, licking my teeth with his tongue. I melt against him but he holds me up.

He pulls away and says, "I have waited too long for this Adeline. And I won't stop. Just say red if it gets too much"

I nod although I knew I wouldn't use the safe word. I just wanted him to fuck me relentlessly, mercilessly.

He kisses me again and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist tightly and my hands to go his nape, pulling his hair. He groans in my mouth and throws me on the bed falling on top of me never breaking the kiss.

He takes off my skirt and pushes me up towards the headrest. He starts kissing my neck, biting nipping licking all the way to the region meeting my shoulder. He takes off my panties and my bra in one quick motion like he couldn't stop himself. He then ties me to the bed with his tie.

He gets off and looks at me like an animal to it's prey. I squirm under his gaze and he laughs.
"You look needy Adds. Right where I want you."

He again climbs on top of me and removes his shirt and starts licking and sucking my breasts and nipples. He grazes it with his teeth and I moan. He massages the other breast, twisting the nipple.

He kisses down my chest till my naval and then comes back up taking something out of his pocket. It's that knife. He flicks it open in front of me and I look at it in awe.
"Use your safe word Adeline. I won't stop otherwise."

"I will" I tell him. He nods and then takes off his pants. I straddle him and use my ankles to take off his boxer briefs.

"God, you are so hot. I want to fuck you till you pass out" he whispers in my ear tugging at the lobe.
My pussy clenches at his words and his cock hits my wetness.

He looks down and smirks then looks up and kisses me again rubbing his cock against my pussy. "I'll fuck you raw cause you tempt me so much. I'll treat you like the slut you are. I'll fuck you on every surface possible" he groans against my mouth and I squirm under him, impatient he isn't fucking me yet.

He rolls my nipple and pushes himself in. He brings the knife to my throat and keeps it there like a warning. I moan at the intrusion and hold onto his shoulders loving the feeling of fullness so much.

The knife is almost pricking my throat, I make sure not to move my head so much when my back arches. He starts moving, going slow and steady and increasing his speed, going hard making me yelp.
He kisses my neck giving me hickies while keeping the knife on the other side of my neck.

He pounds into me hard and fast making wet noises fill the room. I am filled with the thrill of it all, making me clench around him. And he groans in my neck, making me scrap my nails behind his back.

He lifts one of my legs and puts it on his shoulder and starts moving faster making the headrest hit the wall.
I moan and arch my back cause he is in so deep.

"Like that?" He groans in my ear and I nod.

His hand goes between my legs and he starts rubbing my clit. He removes the knife and kisses me "You've been a good girl."

He's rubbing my clit with such pressure it doesn't take me time to cum all over him, I scream with the intensity, my senses going numb.

He puts down my leg still moving in me, he puts his face in my neck and bites it cumming inside me. I clench around him and he slips out of me because of the wetness.

He looks at me and tucks my hair behind my ear. He takes two of his fingers and puts the cum dripping down my thighs back into me. I whimper from being sensitive and takes his fingers out and licks them clean.

I blush and he laughs "God, where were you all these years?"

I know this was sooooo late but I had my exams.
Also I am now taking requests. If you wanna read something specific, do let me know.

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