Chapter eleven: Help

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... They think you've taken Tim hostage so they've well... you can guess." Tom blurted out.
"They've taken him hostage!" Tim said in amazement.
"This is all my fault." I whisper. "this is all my fault!" I repeat louder. I run to the other side of the room and sit in the corner. I hear the others whispering to each other. I rock backward and forward, repeating what Tom said, they think I've take Tim hostage so they've done the same to Toby. Something about this doesn't feel right, even Al agrees. Something isn't right about this. Tim begins to search the draws and cupboards. Tom joins in.
"Ah haaaa." Tom says, "I found some."
"Ah life saver." Tim says.
"Here you go." Tom says, I turn around to see Tom passing Tim a bottle of water. They carry on searching. I wonder what they're looking for.
"As if!" Tom says.
"What?" Tim asks.
"You was right."
"You found food?"
My head lifts at the thought of food. We settle down and eat the biscuits Tom found. The other two talk while I'm deep in thought. What isn't right? I question myself this over and over and over again. then everything goes silent, for a while. Tim breaks the silence.
"It's getting dark." Tim says. I nod.
"We should sleep." I say.
"On the ground!" Tom remarks.
"No I'm the sky!" Tim argues sarcastically.
"Your lucky, you two can cuddle up together." he says playfully.
"Maybe you should get a girlfriend then!" Tim answers.
"Maybe you should shut up." Tom says.
"Maybe you should get out? Hum or are you going to answer back!" Tim shouts. Tom shuts up, good thing to. not only would Tim get at him, I would smack him.
We lay on the floor, and eventually fall asleep. My dream is a nightmare, like usual. This time however, it's not about the night Ma and da died, it's of what could possibly be happening to Toby. He's all alone. He's like a big brother to me and I'm like a little sister to him. What kind of sister lets their brother get kidnapped, because of them! I suddenly wake up with a start.
"Yeah I found them, they let me in." Tom says. "No they're sleeping...Yeah I'll get her... No you can keep him, I never liked him anyway... Yeah do all you like to him I don't care, you could slit his throat for all I care... ok bye." BEEP his phone switches off. I pretend I'm asleep. His footsteps get closer and closer.
"No wonder they killed your family. Your a monster, we're going to kill you and become hero's. The day the evil one fell." he said 'to himself'.
"That day was a long time ago, did you not do your homework?" I say loudly. A reflection shines in my eye.
"N-now come on that's not fair, I have no weapons." I say standing up and putting my hands up.
"Your lucky," he says putting the object away. "they told me not to kill you, note how I say kill you."
Before I know it his arm is around my neck and his hand is over my mouth.
"Now now don't struggle." he says. He drags me to the door and opens it. I bite his finger.
"Ow." he says and moves his hand, then he kicks me.
Before he puts his hand back over my mouth I scream Help me. Tim wakes up just to see me be dragged out the door and I start to scream. Tim runs to the door and tries to open it, locked. Then next I know a bag is put around my head. I hear shouting and banging coming from the door.
"Help me!" I shout.
"I will. I'll find away, don't worry princess!" Is the last thing I hear before I black out.

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