Chapter eight: Thats not right

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"Good morning class, my name is Mr Samson." Sir says.
"Good morning Sir." we all say, I have no respect for him by I say it too.
"Ok, today we are going to be told one of the myths." I smirk on the word 'myth', he carries on. "we will look at who we think the person, the myths are on about, is and by the end of this lesson you will be able to describe them in perfect detail." he concludes.
Well that's going to be easy, I'll just describe myself I think to Al. He chuckles.
"So what do you know about the myths?" He asks us, everyone but me puts there hand up.
"Kit, what do you think?" He asks, I sigh and everyone turns to look at me.
"That their true." I say. He laughs.
"No they're not." he laughs then starts asking other people. All while I'm looking in my pockets for something, I find it and hold it tight. People are saying things like 'the evil one is a boy' 'has blonde hair' 'quite short' 'coming to kill us all' 'deserves to die'. I wince at this.
"Good these are mostly correct, let's see if anyone can come up with more after we read one." Sir says, picking up a pice of paper.
"Not a long one then" I whisper to Tim.
"No." he chuckles under his breath.
"This is how it's told through generations,
There will be one person to come and they will come to kill us all, the evil one. They will single-handedly take down an entire army and everyone will know who this person is when they meet them. They will be very short and will have short blonde hair, this person will also be a boy. His preferred weapon will be a auto rifle and a pistol. This person is a monster and in our right mind should be shot on sight.
This is told through many generations and was started by the spider spices. It is absolutely not true and we shouldn't believe it." he says.
I smile so much I feel I might break my face. Sir looks at me
"What do you find so amusing Miss Herboin?" He asks firmly, everyone looks at me. I laugh out loud so hard my stomach begins to hurt.
"Thats not right." I say.
"What do you mean?" He says angrily.
"That's not right." I repeat.
"Care to show us?" He says and puts the story up on the white board.
"Sure!" I giggle, then gulp. I guess it's now they find out I think. I guess so Al replies. I casually walk up to the board and grab one in the pen's.
"First mistake." I say loudly. "They will kill us all." I add then circle it then turn around. "If they wanted to kill us all, they would have already done it."
Then I continue "Second mistake, everyone does NOT know who this person is." I circle that too. "if the person wanted everyone to know, they would have told everyone by now."
More "Third mistake, they are not short." I circle it yet again. "They are actually quite tall."
By now everyone looks very confused. I carry on "Fourth mistake, the short blonde hair, that's completely wrong!" I circle it "they actually have LONG BLACK hair." I emphasise on the long and black. "Fifth mistake, the preferred weapons are not an auto rife and pistol." Circle it, "They're preferred weapons are a bow and arrows and throwing knives." Everyone is so very confused now. "Last but certainly not least the sixth mistake." I break and sigh, "is that their not a boy, they are a girl. Now I'm finished." I say and Nod at Sir.
"Well thank you Kit, may I ask how do you know all of this?" He asks. I sigh here it goes I think. good luck Al says.
I gulp. "it's because I know who they are." I reply.
"If you don't mind, please share." he adds.
"Me." I say.

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