In A Year Of Making

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Ok, so lets Make this straight and get over this. My Frand @Angie_Ramirez is helping me make up ideas for the story. I recommend her story, Summer Love. It's a great book and all but I just wanted to put it out there so others know...



Harry's P.O.V.

"Alright, bye!" I hang up, damn management is really tough.... Hmmm, what makes my day... KATHERINE! Speaking of her, I'm gonna surprise her this winter by going to the dance with her. Ahh yeah! I may not be present at school hours but, I still take my classes at Jordan Matthews High School. And then my master plan will work when I ask her on dates and WABAM soon enough she will be my girlfriend! I show her off in front of the lads how beautiful she is and Eleanor will hang out with her while I'm gone on tour Then... BIG HAPPY FAMILY!

My phone rings the song 'The A Team' I pick it up seeing that its Louis, "Hello, I see on my phone that the caller is Boo Bear, am I right?" I say like Eleanor but in a high pitched voice. He replies by saying very excitedly," Yup, and have you checked your phone?!? In one video Niall farts in a interview and he gets very red! POST IT ON TWITTER!!" I snicker and hold my fit of laughter, "Oi mate! That isn't nice, and by the way I was going to check my phone so I can put their picture in a caller ID symbol thing.... And I'm not doing that to Niall!"

"Yes please!"

"No sir,"






NO, AND THAT'S FINAL BOO BEAR OR I'LL.... ILL, I'LL EAT YOUR LAST BAG OF CARROTS!" I say in a very serious tone. Louis gasps into the speaker,"You wouldn't dare..." The line went silent, the call dropped. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCC. I really wanted to scare him. I sigh and look in my photos that were taken back when I was in Jordan Matthews... I see a picture of my old band The White Eskimos, man those were the good days. A few pictures come up, like at least 69 of Katherine and something number of Will. One really stands out I click it, it's a really short video when Will recorded Sophia went realistic vampire teeth and red/black eyes scaring the hell out of me. I remember that day...


"You look really pretty Katherine," I blush trying to compliment her as she wears a half top sparkled dress, she blushes and its pretty obvious that it was because of me. I smirk, and kiss her cheek as we head out the hallway. "Not for long," a low voice says from behind, I turn around... I found myself face to face with a ugly bigugly Sophia. I scream like a little girl and slide against the wall. Katherine just stands there motionless,Sophia laughs and rolls around laughing her ass of. I get really mad and grab Katherine by her hand and drag her outside, when we reach the car I carry her inside a put her in the passenger seat ever so gently and took her to the dance.


I get furious and throw the phone on my bed, I walk around in circles, I pick the phone back up and delete every single photo that had to do with Sophia.. I. FUCKING. HATE. THAT. BITCH. I went to the kitchen to get pizza, something caught my eye... It was a new letter. Probably a fan. It whatever, I reach for the letter and in sloppy writing reads 'Sophia Smith', do I dare to read it? I open the letter scared to death that its a bomb....



Hi Harry lemme make this quick, I'm never gonna right about this again. Buuuuuttttttttttt, I WANT to let you know that Katherine won the CHAMPIONSHIP! :D She won in soccer!! I know great BUT, here comes the bad news, YOU DON'T NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO COME THE CHESHIRE, WANNA KNOW WHY, CAUSE I SAID SO! If I see you come to Katherine's flat to celebrate I WILL FUCKING CUT OFF YOUR HEAD WITH A KNIFE WHEN WE CUT THE CAKE. I swear and I'll also make her go with someone better than you skanky ass to the SCHOOL DANCE! I heard your allowed to go, buuutttt, she'll be with someone better >:D.

Good Luck,



FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK! I knew I should have NOT read the letter but, FUCK THE WORLD, I'm still going to celebrate. And I will not let Carter, go with her... Carter also has a wee bit of a crush of Katherine. Carter is also better loo- RING RING RING, Fuck You Phone. I answer without checking the caller, " Hi this is Harry," a very low voice answers by saying," Yes, and this is the guy Katherine will be going to the dance with..."


OMFG GUYS CLIFFHANGER! Sorry but I had to or there isn't nothing good to dream about...

6(030)9 VOTE AND BECOME A FAN! Until next time! ~Ana <3

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