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Violet's head was full of static.

She looked in the mirror of the bathroom and brushed a hand over the faint bruises across her biceps, watching with puffy, red lined eyes as they faded away into her pale skintone. It was like they had never existed in the first place but this cold feeling inside of her meant she knew that they had, and couldn't forget it.

She worked methodically then, a bit numb, showering the drying blood off of her skin and after drying off, putting back on the same clothes. The torn, loose jeans and the spaghetti strap top with splotches of blood in places - Violet didn't care.

As she did this, a clock ticked down in her head, making her internally panic.

They had less than an hour and half to convene in the alleyway outside in order to get back home and that was it.

She had heard Five come back in a whirlwind, listening through the door with a heavy frown as he explained quickly. Everything would be set right, no doomsday, so long as they made it in time. He'd threatened Diego, at the end of his tether, raising his voice once again before leaving.

Diego and Luther had left, not bothering to check if she had any clue what was going on or if she was even still there.

She traced the thick scar across her palm, uneasy. Upset.

Violet moved around, forcing herself not to look at the covered up dead body of what she knew was Elliot, and making sure she didn't slip on the bloody Swedish message scrawled on the tiled floor below. She simply went into the alley and sat herself down on the steps, waiting, trailing the pale new scar on her palm.

That was all she could manage to do to pass the time. She trailed it with her index finger, feeling the jagged, raised line down her hand while she tried not to dwell on how she had got it. That alone was futile.

They had ten minutes left and the anxiety was killing her and all she could do was drown in the memory of Five shouting in her face and his bruising grip on her even while she had tried to shy away.

Her hands shook, she felt sick to her stomach and she couldn't stop bouncing her knee to the point where the muscles in that leg were actually aching.

It wasn't the fact he had swung the axe at her that struck her to the core as much - purely because she understood those circumstances.

He was tasked to kill a board room full of people and had seen a figure from the doorway. He had no reason to believe it could have been her because she had told him she'd stay behind. He didn't know if someone had slipped free from the room - if that had happened he would have failed, slaughtered people for absolutely nothing, and had to live with the trauma and weight of it all while trying to find another way to leave the timeline without the world ending. She could have been a witness to the killing and who knows what might have happened if they'd gotten away.

The dark, murderous look in his eyes while he towered over her covered in blood with an axe raised - that had caused her a twinge of fear, she couldn't deny it - but that was before he realised that it was her.

Before he realised what he had done.

What had scared Violet most was how quickly his rage had turned to her, how he had so callously raised his voice at her and touched her so harshly that her skin had bruised.

- and you're not even going to say anything? -

When he knew. When he knew  how physical contact and using her voice made her shatter like glass.

That was what had caused her the most pain. Those actions had struck her like a blade through the heart.

And despite the betrayal she knew it had been partially deserved. Because she had lied to him when he had no reason to believe she ever would.

GHOST - Five Hargreeves X Umbrella AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now