Chapter 8

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Once Dexter's mother had left he made a dash for Odins room. It was still very obvious he had been crying

Dexter knocked on Odin's door and waited for him to open it, sniffing periodically. Odin soon opened the door and noticed how Dexter was crying immediately. Dexter lowered his head in embarrassment.

Odin walked towards him and grabbed his hand leading him into his room and sitting him on the bed. He sat beside the elder, putting an arm around him.

''What happened?' Odin asked with concern

Dexter didn't respond, instead he cuddled into Odin's side looking for comfort. Odin rubbed his back and kissed his cheek trying anything to calm him down.

Dexter tears quickly dried up, he was now more flustered that Odin had kissed his cheek than coming out to his mother

''You wanna talk now?''


''What happened?''

''I came out to my mum''

Odin's eyes widened, he was shocked and scared, no way she accepted him right?

''Don't panic, she was really really nice about it'' Dexter said while looking up at Odin and smiling


''Yeah! She said stuff about how she'll help me keep it a secret from my dad and that I can pursue whoever I want and she'll try and postpone the wedding as long as possible''

''Are you gonna go for anyone?''

''Yes, I have someone in mind'' Dexter stated

Odin was admittedly saddened by his remark, He knew he wouldn't want to date him but he sort of has his hopes up

''Why do you look so sad?'' Dexter asked innocently

''Nothing nothing''

''Are you sure?''


''I don't believe you''

''Well who are you gonna go for?'' Odin asked sheepishly

''Is that not obvious?''

''That archer dude?''

Benjamin? Dexter was shocked at how oblivious Odin had started acting. Not 3 minutes ago he kissed his cheek and now he's questioning if he even likes him back?

''If I liked Benjamin I would not be cuddled up next to you right now, besides for all he knows I'm straight''

Odin chuckled, knowing what Dexter was trying to say. He was happy the Prince liked him back; he just didn't know if a relationship would even be possible considering their differences in class and the fact he was a member of Palace staff in the first place, but either way he couldn't wait to see how it would all pan out in the end.

Dexter stood up to leave as he had some duties to attend to, such as sulking in his room like he had planned but before he did he returned Odin's favour and kissed his cheek making Odin's cheek a light shade of pink, he liked making him blush. It was cute

''Am I coming with you or am I staying here?'' Odin asked unsure if he was to get back to work or not

''Your choice, but it would be nice if you came''

And with that Odin got up to follow Dexter as he walked to his room, the two had big smiles on their faces.

The two spent the rest of the day together as usual, with Dexter casually flirting with Odin the whole time. Everytime Dexter would flirt with him he couldn't help but fawn over his cute blush that flustered him everytime without fail, something Dexter was growing to love about Odin.

''All your things are ready for tomorrow and I'll get your clothes in the morning''

Odin said about to leave Dexter to sleep for the night.


''Hmm?'' Odin hummed

''Stay here''


''Because I'm lonely''

And with that, Dexter patted the empty spot on his bed and Odin eagerly climbed up.

''Wait actually go steal some of my comfy clothes, your servant uniform can't be comfortable'' Dexter said with a giggle, not wanting Odin to have to walk all the way to his room for his clothes, the Palace was a big place afterall.

Odin jumped off the bed and went towards Dexter's closet. He was well acquainted with it now and knew where almost everything was, but it was different getting clothes for himself this time. Normally he would be picking what he thought Dexter would look best in, which normally resulted in black jeans and his white silk shirt which probably cost more than Odin's entire wardrobe. Odin eventually emerged from the closet wearing a hoodie that was oversized on him and a pair of grey sweats

He skipped back to the bed and hopped next to Dexter as quickly as possible before he inevitably got too flustered to walk back in the room. It wasn't everyday the prince asked you to wear his clothes and get in bed with him.

The two eventually got settled next to each other and started chatting like they normally do, Odin slowly moving closer to Dexter with every passing minute, seeking his skinship.

''C'mere'' Dexter said opening his arms

He had realised what Odin was trying to do, also realising he was probably too shy to actually say what he wanted.

Odin poisoned himself in Dexter's arms and cuddled into his chest.

''You're adorable'' Dexter said while playing with the younger's hair

Odin hid his face into Dexter's chest, a furious blush rising to his cheeks, The two sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Dexter spoke up again

''Odin--'' he trailed off

''Mhm'' Odin said, looking up at Dexter.

Dexter looked longingly into Odin's eyes making quick eye contact with his lips. Before Dexter could really react however, Odin leaned forward and connected their lips together. The kiss was slow and gentle, nothing too heated, just comfortable. Odin pulled away and quickly hid his face in Dexter's chest again mumbling ''sorry'' while doing so.

Dexter placed a soft kiss on top of Odin's head and cuddled him closer. The two soon fell asleep in eachothers arms fully comfortable in each other's presence.

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