Chapter 11

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A/N I changed Dexter's family's last name to Anderson, dunno why I just think it sounded better lol also I promise it gets more interesting soon ;) anyways enjoy 

The three stayed in the park for hours. Occasionally they would see the horses go past on the streets behind but they were surprisingly not caught. Alice had pulled out her phone and went on twitter only to see a bunch of tweets on the ''Missing Prince'' as twitter called it.

''We should probably go home Odin''

''Yeah probably'' Odin said disappointed

''Alice what's your phone number?'' Odin quickly asked

The two quickly exchanged phone numbers, Odin being eager to keep in contact with their new friend. Alice walked with the two for a little while on the way to the palace showing them what she had found on twitter, both finding it pretty funny.

They said their goodbyes on approach to the Palace, they couldn't be caught with Alice, that would be a whole other scandal in itself.

''Thank you for today'' Odin said to Dexter as they walked towards the back of the Palace

''What do you mean? If it weren't for you it would have never happened''

''Still, it was nice not being in the Palace and hanging out properly''

''True true''

The two finished their walk back into the Palace, Dexter told Odin to quickly go to his room before he was seen so Dexter could confront his parents alone, After all they can't exactly fire their son.

''Dexter Anderson!'' His mother said rather harshly the second she laid eyes on her now returned son

''Where the hell have you been?!''

''Uhhh...The city?'' Dexter said hesitantly

''You could've told me! God I've been worried sick about you''

''But you wouldn't have let me go if I asked''

''Why wouldn't I? You're quite old enough to take care of yourself. I would have just sent a guard to keep you safe''

''Oh, I'm sorry'' Dexter said voice laced with guilt, not realising his mother would have let him leave.

''Don't do it again. God I thought you got kidnapped or something''

''I won't do it again, I'm sorry''

''Did Odin go with you?''

''Uh yeah? Please don't fire him''

''I'm not going to fire him darling, He was missing as well you know''

''Oh yeah''

''You're lucky your fathers out''

''True'' He laughed nervously

''You can go now honey, I'm glad you're safe. But don't you dare do that again. I'm too old to be worrying like that''

''I promise, Thank you Mum''

Dexter quickly walked away and sighed with relief, heading towards Odin's room. Dexter missed Odin already, he was getting more and more used to being around him 24/7. If he was being honest, Dexter was feeling very overwhelmed at the moment. So many emotions that he had never felt before were rushing through his head. His feelings for Odin, the adrenaline of sneaking out and making a new friend, Coming out to his mother. It was a lot for Dexter to handle all at once, Having never really been exposed to so much before.

Dexter soon arrived outside Odin's room and knocked on the door immediately. Odin soon opened the door and let him inside.

''How did it go?'' Odin asked

''It was good, she was mad but more because she was worried I got kidnapped or something. Although she did say we could've just asked and she would have let us go without sneaking''

''Oh, that's good then'' Odin smiled while walking to the other end of the room, organising some things in his dresser.

''What're you doing?''

''Putting stuff away?''

Dexter pouted, wanting attention but he couldn't tell Odin that, that would be far too embarrassing. There was nothing stopping Dexter from being upfront with his feelings, other than the general anxiety of romance.

''I'm coming back don't get all pouty on me'' Odin teased making Dexter blush

Odin placed a quick kiss on top of Dexter's head and sat next to him.

''Can we go to my room?''

''Sure, if you want''

The two headed to Dexter's room. Dexter wanted to be there because simply he preferred his own bed and his room was at least twice the size of Odins. Once the two arrived they got comfy in the bed, It was getting late after all

''You want to steal my clothes again? It'll be more comfy to sleep in''

''Oh? I'm sleeping here?'' Odin teased

''Well, Uh, You don't have too. But I-'' Dexter said awkwardly and flustered

''I'm joking love, I'll go change'' Odin again kissed the top of his head before going to change.

Dexter really wanted to make a move on Odin. He wanted to kiss him again before they fell asleep but he didnt know how. After all his mother did tell him he was allowed, he had nothing to lose.

Odin came back into the room wearing Dexter's old hoodie and shorts. He looked adorable in Dexter's opinion. Dexter patted the empty space next to him for Odin to sit in.

''I had a lot of fun today'' Odin said

''Me too, we should go out again sometime''

Dexter shuffled closer and closer to Odin, Getting comfortable in his presence somewhat awkwardly, still too shy to ask for what he actually wanted. Odin noticed and had had enough of Dexter's awkwardness and pulled him in for a cuddle. Which Dexter was more than grateful for being too awkward to do it himself.

''If you want to cuddle you can just ask you know'' Odin teased while playing with the olders hair

Dexter didn't respond; instead he just snuggled closer, embarrassed at his own awkwardness.

''Hey look at me''

Odin gently tapped the top of Dexter's head bringing his eye to meet his own, landing a gentle kiss on his lips. Of course Dexter kissed back although slightly disappointed he didn't get to initiate the kiss, however a kiss is a kiss and he was more than happy he had gotten one.

The two parted and settled down to sleep, still cuddled together, enjoying being so close. Dexter had never been so close to someone before. It was all still a new experience to him but he was loving every minute of it. He knew he wanted to ask Odin to be his boyfriend soon but he didn't want to risk losing what they had by making things too serious. As easy and wholesome as their relationship had been so far, Dexter knew all too well that once they made it official it would become a lot more difficult. He would eventually have to tell his father which he was absolutely dreading. Knowing exactly what he would probably say. The anxiety about the whole situation definitely started to get to Dexter the closer the two became. He was definitely realising just how much of an anxious person he really was. Nonetheless he wasn't going to dwell on it now. He was enjoying being cuddled up to Odin. Not knowing how long they could stay like that.

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