Chapter 10

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The two walked into the clothing store, Turning heads as they went. Odin quickly found a nice looking worker, who seemed about their age. He walked over to her and quickly pulled her to the side with Dexter following cluelessly, never having been in such a place before.

The worker girl had recognised Dexter immediately due to Odin's servants' outfit and was taken aback with what was going on.

''Hi, we need normal clothes asap'' Odin stated somewhat anxiously, completely out of his comfort zone not really knowing what to say in the situation.

The girl simply stared at the two in confusion, It wasn't everyday the Prince and his Servant came into her workplace asking for clothes. After a few moments of staring blankly she shook her head and focused on her job.

The girl was away to bow to Dexter. she had always been taught to do so in the presence of royalty. But before she could Dexter spoke up

''Ah! Please don't bow I can't get caught.''

''Ah sorry um.. Your Highness-?'' she sort of as a question

''Dexter'' He smiled

The girl nodded and showed the boys towards some simple jeans and hoodies.

While Dexter was changing, Odin decided to try and talk to the girl who had been helping them get clothes.

''How old are you?'' he asked kindly

''I'm 20''

''Oh me too'' He smiled

''What's your name?'' She asked

''Odin, you?''


''Cute!'' He said

''Aw thank you'' she smiled

''If you don't mind me asking, How come you and the prince are here?''

''He wanted me to show him around the city, He's never been before''

Just as Alice was about to reply Dexter walked out in jeans and a hoodie and smiled at the two.

''What're you two talkin about?''

''You'' Odin bluntly stated

''What've I done now'' Dexter said jokingly

''Nothing nothing, Just making friends''

Alice laughed at the two, She hadn't realised the two would be such good friends.

''Alice, I know I just met you but'' Odin hesitated ''When do you get off work? I haven't been in the city all that often and I'm sure you know some good spots''

''I get off In like 5 minutes actually, and I do know some pretty great spots'' she said somewhat flirtatiously, obviously joking though.

''Perfect'' Odin smiled

It was only now when Odin fully looked at Dexter's outfit. Realising how cute he looked in such casual clothes. The sight made Odin smile and blush slightly but he'd rather keep that part hidden.

''Are you two hungry?'' Alice asked

''I definitely am'' Dexter stated, sounding pretty harsh. He didn't mean to sound harsh but it was just how he had been told to speak all his life

The 3 newly found friends made light conversation as Alice led them towards a cute cafe she knew of.

''Aw this is cute'' Odin stated

''Isn't it!'' Alice said while walking towards a table near the window

Alice and Odin kept up the small talk, Dexter chimed in now and again but if he was being honest he was shy, It was nice seeing Odin talk to someone though. He knew he must be pretty lonely in the castle.

Dexter ordered coffees for all 3 of them and insisted on paying, there wasn't much of a fight though. He was the Prince after all and basically had endless money. While they waited on the drinks Dexter leaned his head on Odin's shoulder. Although they hadn't done much yet he was already a bit tired. It was a lot for him to take in all at once.

''You okay, love?'' Odin asked

Dexter blushed at the new nickname Odin had given him. Being out of the castle grounds Odin's confidence was certainly returning

''Yeah I'm fine, Just resting''

Odin chuckled at the older and leaned his head on his for a quick moment before lifting it.

''Love?'' Alice questioned when Odin finally looked back over at her

Odin only winked in response but she knew exactly what he ment. Winking back at him and smirking. The two were definitely getting along well constantly joking with one another.

Their coffees soon arrived, Dexter quickly drinking his in hopes to get a caffeine boost and go exploring before he inevitably got caught once the palace realised he was missing

''Dexter slow down there's no rush you'll choke if you're not careful'' Odin said voice laced with worry, Dexter found it cute

''I need caffeine'' He whined

Alice laughed at the twos little exchange.

Once they had finished they're drinks Alice decided to lead them to the mall she knew of. It was a big mall with every kind of shop you could imagine. Dexter grabbed Odin's hand missing his touch, not caring who saw. Dexter wasn't a fan of how clingy he was becoming with the younger but he couldn't help it.

The small group walked around shops for a while buying little things here and there. Odin got a new phone case and Dexter decided he just had to have a new phone to go with it, Much to Odin's disgust Dexter bought him a new phone and promised to help him set it up later.

After their little shipping trip and some exploration the group heard horses. Both Dexter and Odin knew exactly what that meant. The staff at the palace must have finally realised that both Odin and Dexter were gone.

''Alice'' Dexter said


''Do you know a good place to hide?''

''Yeah I suppose I do, why though?''

"I can hear horses, we're probably been looked for'' He laughed

''What? No we can't hide love, we should just let them find us'' Odin said somewhat panicked

''It's fineee'' Dexter said nonchalantly

''I really don't want to be fired..''

''I promise I won't let you get fired, It was my idea anyway''

Dexter pulled Odin into a side hug and planted a quick kiss on his head


''Stop being gay and follow me!'' Alice joked

Alice led them towards a park in the middle of the city. It was a busy place with lots of people. She sat down on a bench under a tree somewhat hidden from the main streets.

''Um, are you sure we're hidden enough?'' Odin asked

''Well, you two just look like normal guys now, surely they'll be looking for a Prince not some boy in a hoodie who can't keep their eyes off Odin'' she said, somewhat proud of herself

Odin burst out laughing while Dexter hid his face in his hands

''I hate that your right''

Dexter finally started to loosen up around Alice. He had never made a new friend before. Having been in the Palace all his life he only ever met new staff members, of course Odin was his ''friend'' but it was just pure luck that he was chosen to be his servant. Dexter struggled with how to handle the situation at some moments but nonetheless he was having a lot of fun getting to know someone without his parents or staff over his shoulder.

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