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She woke up in some cave on the edge of a cliff and opened my eyes for what felt like the first time. All She knew was her name. Her shoulder length purple hair fell down when she sat up. suddenly something spoke, She looked around and saw a tiny little white light.

"I'm SP76. Or at least that's my model and make. Were called 'Specbots'"

it said. She stood up and tried to take in where She was. looking over the cliff seeing red dirt and sand stretching for what looked like forever. On the Horizon was a large black structure. It looked much more out of place compared to the old buildings scattered everywhere else.They stared for a while with the little floating bot "SP76" to my right staring with her.

"Actually kinda pretty when you're not being shot at. . ." SP76 said

She stared for a few more moments before being ripped from the moment when a bullet hit the rock walls beside them and SP disappeared.

"What the fuck! Where did you go?" She took cover behind the corner reaching the cave's cliff edge.

"Don't worry, I'm still here. We need to find a Weapon and a Ship or we're dead." I kept hiding as I saw some bullets pass by some hitting the rocks near me.

"Wow thanks that helps a ton if only I HAD SOME HELP FINDING THAT!" She ran to some hole in the walls of the cave and ended up in an old Facility while going through old corridors. Taking whatever turns may help me lose my pursuers. She found herself in an open room with an upstairs balcony area and a platform with a ramp leading up to it on the bottom floor. She saw a rusted dead robot with a gun in its hands. She ran to it and grabbed it. A cracked hand cannon covered in some oil from the robot. She looked around for a way to the second floor and SP76 decided to finally help me

"Just jump up there!" She jumped up discovering She could jump much higher than expected.

"If only someone would have told me I could do that earlier." She said as They took cover behind the railing seeing some desolate creatures enter the room. Some arched over and covered in a bit of ice twitching sporadically looking around frantically. Two others were bigger than the thinner ones but smaller than the biggest one.

Before She could take in all of them, SP76 spoke to me "Friend! Over here." The Risen looked over and saw the tiny bot. It was floating above a helmet on the end of the broken railing.

"Okay for one my name is Suvil. You don't have to keep calling me Friend. And two, thanks" Suvil grabbed the helmet but the bar in the railing that it was resting on fell down alerting the things below. She put the helmet on and was greeted by an interface on the inside.

"Woah dude, Do all Helmets have this stuff?" She looked around, getting used to it. A rader in the top left of her vision and silhouette of the broken gun in her hand.

"Yeah pretty much, You'll get used to it, don't worry. But for now let's worry about the Virion hunting us down there" I looked over down and saw Names above the creatures now. Decreit, Aprophite, and Paladin. The Decreit was the smallest one, the Aprophite was the medium one and the Paladin was the big thing with the Shield and a gun of similar size.

"Uhhh yeah what exactly are we supposed to do about those?" I looked down while the Aprophite looked up at the area where the bar fell.

"Well, you do have a gun. Though it is in Poor Sha-'' Before SP could finish the Paladin shot up blowing the part of the railing i was taking cover behind up and i fell landing at the Paladins feet. It went to crush me with the shield before I dodged away hiding behind a vending machine. I peaked and then a Decreit was in my face and I heard one behind me. Before I could do anything I went to punch it and the knife materialized in my hands stabbing through its skull.

"Whoa okay i am just so confused right now" so i stabbed the other one as well taking care of those two but seeing one with a blue skull walking slowly unlike the others. I started walking towards it to take care of it but there was the Paladin behind it and a shot from an Aprophite flew by.

"Suvil wait don't hit that one" I backed away hiding behind the Vending Machine again taking in the room.

"Why not? It's right there and slow!" Before I could get a response the Blue faced Decreit turned towards me as soon as it could see me and ran screaming. I readied the broken pistol and shot it before I could think and it exploded.

"Oh that's why" I said before turning to leave the room. The exit I was running towards seemed like a good idea before my radar turned red in that direction. I stopped and quickly changed course to a main platform in the middle of the room. Turning to see another Paladin exit from there this time with just a Sword with a thin handle and a decrepit blade. I took an Aprophite shot to the shoulder but only winced. It hurt surprisingly less than expected.

"Don't worry I'll help, just don't die." I looked where the shot came from and popped some shots at the Aprophite but missed.

"What can I do and what can you do? Because i am getting surprise after surprise right now" i shot at a Decreit but missed that shot as well hitting a barrel beside some big console. The Barrel blew up destroying the console, opening a blast door and exploding a bunch of wires and bursting a bunch of pipes around the room all leading to something directly above the platform I was standing on.

"Worry about that after we get out of here okay, I did not resurrect you just to go sightseeing and then get shot a bunch okay" I watched the pipes break as they traveled to the center stage. The Shield Paladin walked up the ramp and I read my gun. It slammed down and i put my left arm up to stop it aiming my gun up struggling to get the trigger to pull

"Stupid. Broken Gun" The pipes hit the center and it all went Red and Orange. I felt the heat from whatever just blew up above me envelope us and my Gun Ignited in my hands, something felt different. I felt empowered. I pulled the trigger of the Cosmic handgun in my hands disintegrating the Paladin allowing me to move freely still standing in the flames. I turned to the Aprophite that shot and burned through its three eyes. I shot the Aprophite that was beside the Sword Paladin and jumped towards it as it swung at me. I used my knife to hit the sword out of the way before landing on it knocking it to the ground putting me on top. It yelled and I put the Golden Gun in its mouth, feeling three bullets left in the chamber. I pulled the trigger ending the horrible noise and killing the Virion chasing me. I quickly turned to the Door that opened and used my last two shots to make it drop back in place.

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