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They all looked in horror at the mass that used to be Novas.

"We need to go now! If he was telling the truth then we don't have much time." They all ran for the exit and emerged on the surface. Running for the hanger the alarms began to Blare.

"Voltaic bring up the bunkers!" Suvil said.

Large natal bunkers broke through the ground all over the city. Members of the switch board began getting people to safety inside. What felt like thousands of ships but really 15 emerged in the sky. House of Retribution Valask began flooding the streets.

"Beings of Grimfall. Your retribution has arrived, we will set you free." The ships all echoed out over the dark land.

"Nivriks is here, we have to stop them from releasing the chemicals!" Ashton said as they all ran for the hangers except Voltaic.

They reached their ship and took flight breaking refueling lines and speeding towards the large capital ship. They landed roughly in the larger hangar and fought their way through Valask.

"Izalas, do you know where they might be keeping this stuff?" Suvil asked frantically.

"Room 27B was being expanded. Search there!" Izalas said as he swung his weapon over his shoulder.

"Izalas, where are you going?" Ashton grabbed his friend's shoulder.

"There are other ships. We need to bring them down as well. When you rip the throat out of Nivriks. Do it for me and my family." Izalas

The Valask ran off, leaving in a fighter ship. The other two left to find room 27B killing anyone who got in the way. Running through the corridors when the halls began to change around them. Valask slipped through the cracks while the two of them struggled to stay on their feet. Barely killing their attackers. The duo kept traversing the halls to the best of their ability. Mindless Dralls and Villiads flooding through the changing walls and die as they emerge.

"Ash this isn't making progress, we need to find the room." She told him.

Ashton threw a string of flame out burning the walls down revealing a throne in front of them. Nivriks sitting in it watching the spectacle.

"So, Despite the Scaalls  and their selfish attempts to conquer. You find your way to me, Nivriks, Yarl of House Retribution, and conduit of Freedom. How do you plead to be judged." The massive Valask said to them.

"You're killing millions of innocent people, How is that Freedom!" Suvil yelled at him.

"The Valask have lived in scraps and hate for centuries. No place to call their own. I only seek to deliver my people a place to live. Do you not see, I am freeing the outcasts of Grimfall from their sad lives. And deliver my people a place to survive, Free If Control!" He yelled out, slamming his weapon into the ground.

"Your people, The Valasky people are already welcome here. Whether it be like everyone else as outcasts to the rest of the System or not. Do you really believe killing all these people is freeing anyone? Corruption is inevitable with your methods Nivriks. When you pass, who will take the mantle!" Ashton screamed at the throne. "How do you know it won't be a Greedy Tyrant like you claim to want to get rid of! Corruption and Evil is not exclusive to anyone. Stop what you are doing and help change the galaxy in a way that matters."

"In a way that matters? Everything I've done is for a cause that matters. I'm saving the people below from a life of repetition. But after Grimfall, I will change it all. Every broken society and shattered person will be freed from the shackles of life. I will allow them to move on to the world of eternity. I do not expect you to understand, and for that. You will be judged in the highest order." The Yarl lunged out knocking the two of them into the wall.

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