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I caught my breath and watched the bar at the top of my helmet hud refill. The gun cooled down but was no longer functional, It felt. Different, Like i needed to wait until IT was ready again. I sat down on the steps leading to the now scorched platform.

"SP, What the hell was even that?" I asked still calming down

"That was The Xual, Suvil. It's thanks to that that you can do some of the things you can" SP replied.

"Okay yeah i have no idea what that is but it did save us. And what about the things chasing us before?"

"Those things are called 'The Virion' their bad in simple terms but in depth they're beings who worship the mythological Light Gods"

"Wait Wait Wait, They worship. . . Moths?" Suvil says laughing "Like, the tiny things that live in dirt?"

"Well sort of, They are moth-like and gargantuan in size. Each Virion creature is indebted to the Light Gods, Contrary to the name they Light Gods are blood fueled beings who bestow power to creatures in turn for eternal service. The Virion kills and grows in power the more blood they shed. The Light Gods are no laughing matter" SP76 scolded her

"Oh come on even if they are big and spooky it doesn't mean it isn't funny. 'Ooh look at me i'm a crusty angry thing that lives by. . The mooooooooth' Loosen up SP" Suvil said mockingly

"By the creator. Are you really mocking these deadly creatures right after almost being killed by them? You do realize we're still stuck here and a room full of plenty more Virion in the other room right?"

"Yeah yeah you're right. So how can we even get out of here?" She asked, standing up, having finally caught her breath.

"I went ahead and scanned around for a ship and there just so happens to be one in that Virion filled room. Downside is you blocked the entrance and that would be quite the fight" SP76 spoke through Suvils helmet while scanning different parts around the room.

Suvil walked up to a melted vending machine checking it out. "So there's a ship in just the other room but no guarantee we'll live? Fun. Just Fun." She picked up some chips that fell out and opened them.

"Yeah, But we might be able to get you a better weapon using some stuff in here. It won't be anything special and might not even work but it seems to be our only option here." SP76 turned to see Suvil opening the chips. "You know you shouldn't eat that right? those are probably really really old too."

She thought about it for a moment before taking off her helmet and putting one in her mouth. It was really stale. "Yeah I can tell. But food is still good, sometimes alright. Anyways, how can we make this thing you're talking about?"

SP looked at her in disbelief for a moment before deciding to ignore the strange actions and transmitted some parts onto the platform. "We can use this to make a rocket. Hopefully that is. And if its not a good rocket it will surely be a bomb."

The Scaall stared at the pile of parts with her hands on her hips pondering what to do next before getting an idea and sitting down in front of the pile of Junk. "I think I see what you mean. But a quick question. Do I still need sleep?"

"I- Actually do not know. Why do you ask?" SP disappeared into the armor's safe spaces.

"Well I don't know how long this might take. I don't wanna make this here if I HAVE to sleep." She waited for a proper answer before starting to craft the weapon

"Well, If you do, I can transmit the parts to safer space and we can find somewhere to camp out for the time."
"Alright, Well. Let's start with the fire sequence, yeah?" She started putting different parts together and asking SP76 to solder some wires and weld pieces together at times. They spent Hours on end putting things together and taking them apart until it would click properly. They finally got the ammo chamber and ignition rigged together properly. She finally started working on the frame for it. After hours on end of trial and error with various different design attempts until they got one solid shape. The barrel was short and the ammo they patched together using collected oil and gunpowder from the destroyed electronics and pipes in the room. The base shape was almost toaster like with a stock that looked like a fish tail. Suvil's eyes felt heavy but she couldn't seem to stop and get sleep. She picked up the weapon by the hilt and placed her finger near the trigger but not on it. The balls of ammunition in the magazine felt heavy and dangerous so she handled it gently. "SP, How long have we been here?" She asked sleepily

"It Has been hours Suvil. We need to get somewhere safe, Your vitals are slowing and it's getting night time. I've spent enough time hiding in wreckages at night to avoid the Dalaq and Virion but I'm also pretty small." SP76 scanned the weapon and it disappeared into little cubes in the air before they too faded away. "There, I went ahead and stored it for later. Now come on."

"Alright, But I don't even remember how to get out of this room." Suvil stood up and walked towards the only exit she saw. It led her into some more halls which went on for a couple of minutes with various twists and turns. The pair eventually came out in an expanse of dirt and sand before them, Wreckages of vehicles and buildings scattered throughout the place.

"I would suggest hiding in one of those wrecks but you would be pretty out in the open and Dalaq scour buildings like those frequently." SP76 said, staring out into the apocalyptic view before them. "We might be able to fit you under a larger vehicle if it's intact enough though. It won't be a cozy spot but it has the ebay chance of keeping you and me alive."

"Alright, let's go looking then yeah?" She started walking through the wasteland before finding an old rusted and sandy truck with a trailer. She crawled under it and placed some debris in the way of the entrance blocking any light that reached in there but keeping her hidden.

"Well, This has been one hell of a day, SP. I don't even know where I am or what's going on right now. I wake up on some cliff and then get chased by some crunchy husk things and then spend hours upon hours trying to make a gun that might not even work." She said with her helmet still on to keep sand out of her hair

"It's not the best place to wake up Suvil, You're right about that. It was a pretty view though. You did pretty good for The Virion being your first encounter. But there will be a lot more to come, Friend" SP76 chirped with their little robotic voice.

"Thanks SP, Wow it is dark and really cold here. Gonna be some rough sleep."

SP76 appeared emitting some faint light and flew up to Suvils chest making her a little warmer with a gentle hum.

"Goodnight SP."

"Night Suvil."

She finally fell asleep allowing her body to rest

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