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Suvil awoke with a start, waking up SP76 in the process. Loud footsteps right outside shaking the vehicle's chassis above them. She backed into the corner far away from the piece of debris in the way.

"Don't. Make. A sound, Friend. It's Dalaq." SP76 said through Suvils helmet. The Dalaq spoke to each other outside. Muffled voices started to get a little more distant but she stayed still so as to not draw attention. She moved her leg a little forward, grinding a few rocks against each other before the ground shook right outside the entrance. The piece of debris fell down and the two saw a large Dalaq warrior labeled Gunner right in front of them. The Dalaq looked down at the hole but decided to ignore it. The alien creature continued moving with its group getting ahead of the truck. The two almost thought they got away but a red four legged animal spotted them while walking by. It rushed in cornering the Scaall in a cramped space. SP disappeared to be safe while Suvil struggled against the massive red beast. She fought with it before ripping its jaw open leaving it to yelp in pain and run out. Suvil crawled out of the den turning straight to look at the group of Dalaq. Gunner closest and in the lead. Before she could react to the giant creatures they all let loose a flurry of bullets on her. She was blinded before losing all senses of feeling. She was dead, but. She wasn't, SP's parts scattered around the area in a pattern shape. Each one with a faint blue glow around each part.

"Don't worry Friend, You're not dead yet. I'm about to bring you back alright. On my count." SP76 said with determination and reassurance in their voice

"Three!" SP76 counted as Dalaq got closer to the floating shell curiously.

"Two!" A Dalaq labeled Duelist got even closer to the shell holding two massive swords.

"One!" She was blipped back into place suddenly and right behind the truck just out of view of the Dalaq. SP76 appeared and zipped away to the ruins of buildings nearby. The behemoths made noise of confusion seeing the Shell of light where the dead creature stood before snapping together.

She readied her bow deadset on taking the group out.  She jumped over the truck landing on the Gunner, ripping its helmet off and throwing it at another Dalaq confusing it for a moment. She jumped off of the heavily armed nutsack of anger standing before it not even a few feet away. Two Troopers on the left and a Duelist on the right. She stood before beings she had never seen before with nothing but a bow and her Wits. SP76 left after saying they were 'Going to find help'. The Troopers shot at her but she easily dodged the bullets. The Colossal was reloading its gun and the Duelist charged at her. It slammed down with both swords but she had already dealt with this type of attack before. She used her bow to stop the falling blades and tossed them to the side. The Duelist turned to her in anger and rushed forward. She turned around and ran before sliding, doing a 180 while reading her bow. She let loose an arrow into the Dalaqs leg, slowing stopping it in its tracks. She ran at it pulling an arrow from her reserves and plunged it into the helmet's eye socket blinding the duelist in its left eye. Both of them were tenacious but she heard a sound of flame and looked for the source. She saw a multitude of rockets heading her way. The Colossal had fired a cluster of missiles with complete disregard for it's ally. The Scaall, without skipping a beat, dropped off of the Dalaq duelist and used it as cover from the volley of explosives heading her way. Everything went white for a moment, The Duelist was dead and she wasn't. After the smoke cleared the Gunner roared in anger seeing her still standing in the same place its teammate had once existed. She ran at it jumpin up and throwing a knife to the left hitting one of the legionnaires in the head killing it. She landed on the Gunner once again and started clawing at the missile launcher tube on its back. She ripped one of four off and used it as a hammer knocking another one to the side bending it. She shoved the tube into one of the others rendering three useless. Before she could go after it she was thrown off hitting the ground with a shattering impact. The angered veteran readied its gun once more and started shooting. Suvil ran to the side barely keeping up a fast enough pace with bullets hitting the ground behind her.

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