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The cable ties dug into my wrists as I wriggled, my skin felt sweaty and raw. I could feel my heart beating in my ears, the heaviness of my limbs as blood violently pumped through my veins.

My warm breath smothered me with the bag over my head. With every breath I sucked in, then out, I felt dizzier. Sweat poured down my face like a waterfall. The tape that clung around my mouth pulled at all the little hairs on my skin. The darkness terrified me.

"Just get rid of her!" he shouted.

What went wrong? It wasn't supposed to end like this. I was so close to being free! I fidget and try to pull my hands free from the cable ties that hold them together as the voices get louder and then they begin to shout.

Tears streamed from my eyes and my whole body shook. I wanted to scream, run for my life. What right have those men have to take me away from my home, my family, What right did these men have to take my life?

I felt pressure on the top of my scalp, then the fabric bag was ripped off of me. I welcomed the rush of cold air that hit my face as I squinted to see, blinded for a few moments. Then everything looked blurry, a light blasted from my right, the blurry outlines of figures moved around with haste. I blinked repeatedly to get my vision back, trying to see through the tears and sweat that poured down my face.

As my eyes adjusted to the light I looked up and saw him standing over me... This is it...

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