Chapter 15

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For a moment it felt like I left my body and everything around me wasn’t real. Like I was looking through a snow globe at everything going on around me. For a few seconds the only thing I could hear was loud ringing in my ears. I wondered if this was what it felt like to be dead.

My body jerked when all my senses came crashing back down on top of me. I wasn’t sure if i’d passed out or if I’d been shot. My body was a ton of bricks. I breathed furiously through my nostrils and my eyes shot open. I blinked fast and see Tommy. I thought I was hallucinating. Tommy dragged Pete up off the floor by his collar and pulled his fist back. He punched Pete square in the dace so hard I had to close my eyes on impact, and I felt it.

He turned his attention to me. He lunged across the van and pulled the knife from his pocket. I winced instinctively and pulled back.

“I’m going to cut you free,” he said, stopping at my reaction.

My breaths were furious, my heart raced so fast I thought at Aby moment it would pop right out of my chest. He sliced through the cable ties my hands immediately went to rub where it hurt. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a sitting position, and he ripped the tape right off me mouth. I wasn’t sure if it was saliva or tears, but my face felt wet and soggy.

“Pull yourself togethre, “ Tommy said. He began gently slapping me around the face over and over as I gasped for breath. It was like I was dry heaving and hyperventilation. “Snap out of it.” He clicked his fingers in front of my face but all I could think about was my close call with death.

“Zoe!” he shouted and slapped me again, this time harder. It was enough to make me look at him and focus. “I knew he’d do something stupid,” Tommy said, turning his attention to Jay.

“He’s out of control,” Jay said as Pete moaned and flopped around the floor.

“Get out of here. We need to go.” Tommy pulled me up by arm and dragged me with him to the back doors.

“What about the girl?” Jay held his hands out at his waist.

“I’ll take care of it. Just go. Change of plan. Go. I’ll call.” Tommy jumped out first. He then pulled me out of the van and my feet hit the asphalt.

"Hey, I am sorry... good luck man, I will call you, keep the phone, yeah?"

Tommy nodded and slammed the doors shut. He kept a tight grip on my wrist as he led me over to a car. We stopped and he turned me so my leant against the driver’s door. I held my palm on my chest and willed my heart to slow down. He put both of his palms at either side of me, resting on the silver metal surface of the car.

“Pull yourself together. Calm down,” he said.

I continued to breathe like a donkey and he grabbed my face and lifted it so I looked him square in the eye. I nodded and breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth. The van started up and made a screech as Jay pulled away. A large puff of dust swirled in the air from the dirt road we stood on.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“My hero,” I said sarcastically through sobs and snot.

He laughed, and stood up straight. “Alright, now that you got your attitude back, get in. We have to go.” He opened the door of the car and I hesitated.

“Going where?”

“You’re going home.”



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