Chapter 6

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I woke up with a start. My body jerked and I gasped for a breath. It felt like I didn’t know I’d been asleep. Or maybe I hadn’t been asleep. I wasn’t certain if I’d slept three minutes, three hours or three days. I sat up and felt a rush of dizziness to my head, and immediately noticed that the little shutters at the front were pulled up, so I could see the light shining in, casting an orangey glow on blue eyes. Six bottles of empty beer sat next to him, as he scribbled inside a grey , a4 size notebook. His little TV played at low volume next to him. My cigarette that I’d had one drag of had burned down on its own in the Ash tray between us.

“How’s our little guest this morning, then?” Evil asked. He leaned against the front seat, his ankles crossed, as he tore unto a sandwich that was half in its wrapper. He looked so tall and strong. His upper arms bulged inside the fabric of his top.

I sat like I’d just woken up from a six month sleep. My long hair matted against my head, and with the back of my hand I wiped away a slick of drool that had escaped my mouth.

The fact they were still in their black masks scared me even more.

“Not used to sleeping rough, eh, princess?” he said. He snorted and shook his head. “Come on. Tell us. What’s it like being the daughter of Bill Walker, the giant dick?”

I felt my lip quiver, but more in anger than anything. I felt furious he’d called my dad that name. I wanted to run up to him and squish his sandwich in his face. Obviously I didn’t. I backed further against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest.

“Well? Come on. Is he really as bad as people say he is? Big bad Billy the wolf!” he mocked.

“That’s enough, Jay. We’re not here for that!” Blue eyes snapped.

Jay, mister evil, stopped chewing and his head turned. He stated Blue Eyes down, his palms open and arms wide at his sides.

“Dude! Names! We agreed no names!”

Blue Eyes closed his eyes tight, like he knew instantly that he’d messed up. I shuffled further into the corner, against the wall, trying to block them out. I didn’t even care what their names were, it was least of my worries. I tried to act strong, my head held high and my shoulders back. Hiding through fact my insides knotted and I wanted to vomit. I didn’t want them to see me weak. Weakness was an invitation to take advantage, to bully and toy with me.

Jay crumpled up the rest of his sandwich and threw it like a football so it hit the rubbish bag with force. Blue Eyes jumped up to his feet and they seemed to have a little meeting near the shutters and the front seats. I couldn’t work out what they were saying, so I leaned forward, pricking my ears up. I heard them talk about using names, about their identity. Messing up, and then something like ...’we agreed with the boss. The boss said so’. It made me squirm.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” I said. My voice came out louder than I’d anticipated, and both men stopped talking. Their heads turned and they both stared at me silently for at least thirty seconds.

“What?” Jay asked.

I cleared my throat and attempted it again.

“I need to use the bathroom.”

Jay huffed. His shoulders dropped, while Blue Eyes rubbed his eyes like he’d just woken up. Both were ready sick me, and I got the impression that my bladder was a big inconvenience to them.

“You deal with it!” Blue Eyes spat, before he walked away and disappeared into the front where the drivers seat was located.

Jay stormed towards me, his swat like boots vibrated on the carpet. He scooped me up by putting an arm under mine and pulling me up to my feet. I grasped onto the wall, my muscles felt weak and in decline. My legs jelly.

“Listen to me. If you try anything funny you’ll be sorry. You scream you will be sorry. Do anything you know is wrong I swear to god I’ll put a bullet through both your knee caps. Then you’ll just have to sit there and piss yourself.” He pulled me closer to him and he leaned down and stared straight into my eyes. I could smell the breakfast sandwich he’d just ate. You try to talk to anybody, I’ll put a bullet through them too. Got it?”

I swallowed and nodded my head.


Sorry this took a little too long to update. I've been backwards and forwards with ideas, and trying to decide where I want this story to go.

What do you think up to now?

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