Room B15 [A]

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Room B15 [A]

Information: Room B15 [A], belongs to: Kim Seori and Alex Song

Room Style: Girlish, Hot Pink Fashion-ester Diva Trend

"Congratulations Seori and Alex, hope you girls make many fun memories here."

➳Revealing Profiles B [8&9]

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Profile B8

Username: aeoniane

Name: Kim Seori

Age: 17

Date of Birth: April 29, 1997

Portrayer: SinB of Gfriend

Gender: Female

Prank Tools: Paint balls and blow horn

Specialty: Flexibility, photographic memory, getting away with things and accuracy.

Section: B

Wattpad Entertainment: GKE

Status: Single pringle

Occupation: Trainee and student

Nationality: Korean Chinese

Personality: Seori is someone who isn't afraid to step out and let herself be put in the spotlight. She gives her 110% effort in everything she does. She's confident in what she does and isn't afraid to make mistakes. If she does, she picks herself right back up and moves on with her head held up high. She's the type of girl who wants to live life to the fullest and have fun. She's very playful and makes the people around her comfortable due to her childishness. If anything, Seori is an unpredictable girl. She always has these crazy ideas in her head. She's also very forgetful, always leaves her stuff everywhere and can never seem to remember where she places her things. Most of the time, she has this blank face on and when people are directly speaking to her, she randomly zones out and misses what they say to her. A lot of times she nods her head and pretends to understand what people say to her. Seori is a huge romantic. She loves to gossip, and she'll make a way to find out your secret even if you don't tell her. Seori can be a bit manipulative if she wanted to be. Her expectations for guys are set pretty high and that's why it's rare to see Seori have a crush on someone. She does fan girl over guys but having an actual crush is rare for her. If it ever happens, she does a whole personality change and tries to act all cool. Around that person, she becomes an awkward, weird, clumsy and just a big hot mess. She can be a huge drama queen. With her witty comebacks and her sassy personality, Seori is a full time bitch and brat. She is a self centered person, and isn't afraid to be in the spotlight. It's rather questionable as to how so many people are able to put up with her. Despite having a very bright and optimistic personality, laughing on a 24 hours basis, there's no doubt she would snap if someone is able to get on her bad side. She isn't afraid to talk back. Fight her and she'll fight back twice as hard. A girl with too much pride, and over-confidence and a high ego, losing is not an option and she will find a way to keep her pride but also win a fight. She gets what she wants and she does what she wants - even if that technique will just make people go crazy and rip her head off. Seori is known to be quite blunt. Unlike most idol girls who has a filter on their mouths, Seori speaks it the way she means it. If you want things done, you had better put it straight out there. She speaks her mind and if she doesn't like something or someone, she'll say it without any hesitation. Seori will tell you the truth if you want it and she's not afraid to get on your bad side. If you can't tell just by looking at her, Seori is an ambitious girl who tries her absolute best at everything she does and always strives to succeed no matter what. Once she sets her mind to do something, she'll stop at nothing to achieve it. Taking any goal or plan she has set up for her self and completing it. As well as looking for new ways to further her knowledge on things she wants to know or do. However, due to Seori's ambitious side, she tends get or be rather competitive. If she wants something, she'll put all her energy in it. She's a very stubborn girl. Once she makes up her mind, it's hard to change it back. She doesn't forgive people that easily. Seori won't care if you talk trash about her but will pounce on you if you mess with her family and friends.

Background: Kim Seori was born in a town near the coast of South Korea called Mokpo and lived with her mother, father, and younger twin brother, DoHyun. From a young age, her parents said she was just a troublemaker when at home. She never sat still until she would create some sort of trouble. When she was young, her parents would always tell her about how her mom and dad met during their college years, making Seori always hope one day she'll have her own fairytale with the happy ending. Her mom is Chinese and works as a vocal instructor. Her dad is Korean and works as a bus driver. Seori's family was never poor or rich, but just in the middle and liked it that way. Her younger brother was just born 5 minutes after her, and they are just like any other pair of siblings, constantly fighting and bickering. As a young kid, Seori loved to dance. She is taking dance lessons ever since at the age of 6 and is still taking it.

Suggested Scene: Field trip basically to anywhere out of country, prom ofc and campus a&b rivalry scenes

Love Interest: Zelo of BAP

PW/MOTTO: Campus A&B is the best cause I'm the best.

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Profile B9

Username: sacredstars

Name: Alex Song

Age: 18

Date Of Birth: November 2, 1996

Portrayer: Jessica (Girl's Generation)

Gender: Female

Prank Tools: -Silly String -Eggs -Paint Balls -Toilet Paper

Specialty: Dancing and Rapping [combat or weapon- specific]

Section: B

Wattpad Entertainment: Pledis Ent

Status: Single

Occupation: Idol=Group Name-Lunar Girls+Position: Lead Dancer Main Rapper. (Kinda like Kai)

Nationality: American-Korean

Personality: Alex is the type of girl who doesn't really give a shiz about stuff and is carefree. She can crack jokes that others may think are offensive, but she doesn't care. A little too honest with her words and her comebacks are good enough to burn you. She insults who she thinks deserves it and is the prankster of the group. She may seem cold, and mean when you first meet her, but when you get to know her, she becomes friendly and loud. She has a byuntae personality and thinks of perverted things when said in a wrong way. She's known as the sexy and charismatic rapper and dancer on stage. She is bold with her words and isn't afraid to say whats on her mind. She is a little stronger than other girls because of the sports she played when she was younger. She is brave and will stand for what she believes in. Alex has a...different way with words. By that I mean she cusses a lot. She has hidden aegyo talents that can convince anyone and only her family has seen it.

Background: Alex Song born in San Fransisco, CA. on November 2, 1997. Her family moved to LA, CA a year after she was born. During the 12 years she lived in LA, she lived a normal life. Alex had an older brother who was older than her by 7 years. She loved her brother dearly and likes to think of him as a role model or someone who was always there to look out for her when she needed him. Both of her parents were workaholics despite the fact that Alex's mom loves to spend quality time with the family. When she turned 13, her parents decided just to drop everything in their life in California to move back to their hometown, Busan, South Korea. Studies was hard to catch up on and Alex's Korean wasn't as good as the other kids but she still managed to survive. She auditioned at Pledis and was accepted. She has trained at Pledis for 4 years before debuting.

Suggested Scenes: I like the idea of festivals? Or prom, either one.

Love Interest: Lee Minhyuk From BTOB. {Can i change his age? If yes, change it to 20 or 19. Thanks!}

PW/MOTTO: CAMPUS A&B Is The Best, Cause I'm The Best!

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