You Can Throw a Party Full of Everyone You Know

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"I want you to be the godfather." Stanley says to Richie. They're kind of having a celebratory party in the Uris's conservatory. Eddie's drunk dancing with a drunk Beverly, but Richie had sat off to the side and Stan had noticed him, so the two had started a conversation.

"You're Jewish." Richie says, as if to remind him. Mike's making another drink as Bill's dancing on a table, Ben stood next to it with his arms out as if to catch him.

"It's either we call you the baby's godfather or their legal guardian...and knowing you, the term legal guardian would scare you." Stanley states. Patty's laughing hard at Bill, but also warning him to be careful. She's one of the only sober ones.

"True." Richie says and he takes a swig of his beer. Stanley eyes him suspiciously and then says," what's wrong? You're oddly quiet and sad looking and that's not very Trashmouth of you, Trashmouth."

"I don't know." Richie shrugs." I suppose I am a bit sad, but it's because of my own stupid self. I haven't allowed myself to be happy. Now I'm forty and my birthdays in seven months and...I'm not married, I don't have any kids I'm just a grown ass man pining after my best friend. I want the wedding, I want the kids, I want it all with him but I'm not getting any younger."

"You always were impatient." Stanley chuckles as he drinks his cider.

"I am willing to wait for him, of course I am, I just want everything else all at once but we can't jump into these things. We've both got too much trauma." Richie says." And I don't even think he wants kids, Stan."

"Let him get used to being in a relationship with a guy first, Richie." Stanley says." Eddie's not fragile but he does need time and patience. He's been through a lot."

"I know." Richie says and he looks up to find Eddie clinging to Beverly as they dance and laugh." I want to ask him on a date, I think we're both ready for that."

"I say go for it." Stan says and then Eddie falls over onto the couch, Beverly falling on top of him, both of them laughing loudly." Maybe when he's sober, though."

"I'm gonna check on him." Richie says, instantly standing up and rushing over to Beverly and Eddie, Ben doing the same.

"Oh here comes the cavalry." Beverly chuckles out as Ben helps her up.

"Our men have come to get us." Eddie laughs. He and Beverly look at one another and then crack up again as Richie extends a hand for Eddie to take. He takes it and says," you're beautiful." as he stands up.

"You're drunk, Eddie." Richie points out. Eddie flings an arm around him to steady himself, leaning his head against Richie's chest. Richie's blushing, he can tell from how hot his face feels. Bill's still on the table but Mike's taken Ben's job of making sure he doesn't fall.

"Dance with me." Eddie whines, his words slurring together slightly. He hiccups before he says," I'd like to dance with a pretty boy."

"E-Eddie, you can barely walk." Richie says, feeling his blush deepen. He's got butterflies but he's ignoring them." I think it's time for you to go to bed. Come on, I'll help you up there."

"He's being no fun." Beverly complains." He's sober! Richie is the boring one!"

"Leave it, Bev." Ben says." I'll dance with you just let Richie deal with Eddie."

"Thank you." Beverly says, draping her arms over Ben. She's not as drunk as Eddie is and Richie's struggling to get him up the stairs.

"You're so fucking pretty, Richie." He says as Richie tries to get him upstairs. They're on the third step from the bottom." So fucking pretty."

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