And Not Invite Your Family, 'Cause They Never Showed You Love

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If you asked Eddie Kaspbrak what his favourite part of his working day was, he'd say it was lunch, purely because Richie visits him and they sit in the office of the auto shop and just chat utter shit. It had been a week since the paparazzi had crashed their date and outed their relationship, but Eddie honestly hadn't minded.

He sits on the office chair, twisting side to side slightly as he eats the pasta Richie had brought over. Richie's sat on the floor, by the window, laughing loudly at something Beverly has said. Beverly and Ben had arrived a few days ago, their plans to moving to Chicago finally beginning to happen. Beverly is sat on a chair opposite Eddie, cracking jokes with Richie, and it feels like high school lunch times all over again with the way Ben is sat next to her, looking at her with the most loved up puppy dog eyes.

"All I'm saying is that we should go out tonight." Beverly states with a grin. Eddie grimaces as Richie eats a bit of pasta that had fallen onto the floor.

"I'm up for that." The comedian says, causing Beverly to cheer slightly." We should invite Eddie's colleague Sharon. She's a hoot-

"Then we should also invite your friend Sandy." Eddie interrupts slightly. Richie glances at him and then nods. Eddie really liked Sandy and he was hoping to get closer with her.

"Have you had any more calls from that unknown number?" Ben asks. Eddie had been having calls from the same number every day for a week. It was really agitating him.

"I haven't had one yet today, which is a surprise." Eddie responds with a shrug." Maybe they're finally learning to take the hint considering I haven't answered any of the calls."

"I offered to answer one but he wouldn't let me." Richie chimes in, wiping pasta sauce from his mouth with the back of his hand. Eddie rolls his eyes and says," that's because you said you were going to answer being the local crematorium and say "you kill 'em, we grill 'em." Which isn't even funny-

"It's a classic." Beverly states and Ben chuckles a little. Eddie sighs." Oh come on Eddie, you're dating a comedian. You should be used to this by now."

"He loves my shitty jokes." Richie grins widely and Eddie softens at that. Richie looked, for the first time in a while, genuinely happy and Eddie was glad to be the source of that happiness.

"Yeah, I do." Eddie says with a soft smile on his face. He had never felt love like this before. He loved Richie with his whole being, it was practically overflowing out of him, and it could be dizzying at times. But it made him happy, and Eddie hadn't been truly happy in a long while.

The four continue their lunch for the next twenty minutes, messing around and irritating one another. Richie, Ben and Beverly all begin to leave when Sharon announces she's going on her lunch break, which means Eddie has to get back to work. He invites her out and she agrees to go, and then she heads off for lunch.

Eddie hadn't been out to a night club ever, so he didn't know what to expect or what to wear once he gets home from work. He settles on a black shirt with some jeans. He hadn't used gel in his hair for a while, instead taking to fluffing it up with his fingers. He walks into the living room, finding Richie pre drinking with Beverly whilst Sandy, Ben and Sharon all talk on the couch.

Richie's in a light blue shirt covered in a pattern of small white dogs, and it's tucked into some black jeans, his leather jacket lying on the arm of the couch. Beverly's in a skin tight green dress that goes to just below her knee, and her hair is curled and she looks stunning. Ben's in a plain white shirt and trousers, and he's laughing at something Sandy has said. She's dressed in a navy blue dress, which compliments her eyes. Sharon's in a little black dress a similar style to Beverly's and she's leaning her head against Sandy as she tips her head back and laughs loudly. Eddie smiles widely as Richie's face lights up when he spots him.

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