You Can Start A Family Who Will Always Show You Love

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February 14th 2020-

Wedding planning had been complete chaos, and that's why Richie had left it up to Eddie to complete. Eddie had been full blown Groomzilla , but he had allowed Richie to select the music and create a playlist, and had also allowed him to select the first song, and so that felt like a win on Richie's part. The thing was, Richie knew that wedding planning was going to be chaotic, he just didn't intend for the day to start off as chaotic as it did.

"We can't find Bertie." Beverly admits as Richie opens the door to his hotel room, halfway dressed into his tux.

"What do you mean 'you can't find Bertie'?" Richie asks, baffled by the fact that they'd managed to lose a two year old who was supposed to be sitting in his dads room with Sophia Hanscom (probably one of the best behaved children Richie had ever met). Ronnie looks up from where she's watching cartoons on the hotel bed with Wren Uris, eyes on the door with confusion.

"I mean we can't find him! Bill opened the door to go and check something with one of the caterers because Eddie was freaking out at the possibility of something containing nuts because he doesn't want you to go into anaphylactic shock...and Bertie sprinted the moment the door opened." Beverly explains extremely quick, almost at Kaspbrak speed." Eddie's really freaking out. Bill and Ben are searching this floor but we just thought you should know."

"You've lost my son on my fucking wedding day?" Richie asks, bile rising in his throat. He didn't intend on snapping at Beverly, it wasn't her fault, Bertie was a little demon child at times. He liked to run off. But he was panicked, and so he was taking it out on Beverly.

Bertie's birth had been traumatic, and as a result, he was now epileptic. Eddie wanted someone to keep a close eye on him at all times, which is why Richie was freaked so much. Their son could be hurt.

"We didn't intend on it, Rich. He just likes to run!" Beverly retaliates defensively and Richie finds himself sighing.

"Papa, what's happening?" Ronnie asks curiously. She was the calmer twin out of the two, which confused everyone considering she was Richie's biologically whereas Bertie belonged to Eddie.

"Nothing, sweetheart, it's okay." Richie says and he goes to make his way over to her as they hear Bill say," Maggie's got him. He managed to slip off and find her room."

"Hi papa!" Bertie giggles as Maggie walks over, carrying her grandson on her hip. Richie's so mad but the two year old is just too darn cute in his little shorts, suspenders, shirt and bow tie.

"Don't ever do that again, mister!" Richie says sternly, kissing his sons forehead softly as Maggie stands in the doorway with him." Probably gave your poor dad a heart attack."

"I sorry." Bertie replies. Maggie smiles and kisses her grandsons cheek gently, before she turns to her son and asks," want me to help you get ready?"

"I got Mike, Stan and Patty, mom." Richie states in response. He's only got his shirt and some boxers on. His shirt is black to go under his burgundy tux. It's the nicest outfit he thinks he's ever owned in his life, and that was all thanks to Beverly.

"Yeah, but none of them are me." Maggie states and Richie grins slightly before he responds with," yeah, okay. You can help."

"Excellent. I'll go and take Bear back to Eddie and I'll be right along."

"Sure thing."

It doesn't take long for Maggie to drop Bertie back off to Eddie's room, but within that time, Ronnies requested for Richie to do her hair. She never let anyone besides him do it, and when Patty asks if she can, she whines and points to Richie, who sits behind her on the bed, plaiting her hair slowly. Wren lies down beside them, eyes fixated on the TV screen.

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