You Don't Have To Be Sorry For Leaving and Growing Up

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Christmas Eve-

Eddie sits on the counter top as he watches Richie cook dinner, 'It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas' by Michael Buble blasting through a speaker. It really was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Their apartment had that comforting feel to it that Eddie had missed. He used to spend Christmas Eves with the Toziers, and that nostalgia was currently hitting him as he eats the ginger bread cookies Richie had made the night before. The whole apartment was covered in decorations, including fake snow made out of cotton wool, and a tall Christmas tree in the living room covered in tinsel and baubles. Fairy lights were draped everywhere and mistletoe hung on the entranceway to the living room.

The losers, Maggie, Wentworth, Steve and Steve's new boyfriend were coming over for some Christmas festivities. Although the Uris' were Jewish, they always joined their friends on Christmas Eve, just to gift share and party. Stanley loved a party. Eddie was excited to meet Steve's new boyfriend, even though the man had been hesitant to bring him at first. He had eventually agreed, however, mentioning that he was the guy that he'd hooked up with at the karaoke bar.

"You look so cozy." Eddie states, eyeing Richie, who's checking on the beef in the oven. He's dressed in a burgundy Christmas jumper and some tartan pyjama pants. Richie grins at him and then chops up some veg.

"Mom and dad should be here soon." He states, throwing the vegetables into a saucepan." They want to get here early, mom wants to help me cook. She also made us Christmas cake."

"I've missed her Christmas cake." Eddie sighs as his mouth waters at the thought. He had always been jealous of Richie due to his parental situation. Not only did they love and support him, but Maggie was a shit hot chef and Richie would get beautifully home cooked meals every day.

"Fuck, I don't think this is going to quite be ready when everyone gets here...I'm not even dressed yet." Richie curses, standing up straight and cracking his back slightly.

"Just stay dressed like that, it's cozy." Eddie shrugs. He was also in a Christmas jumper. His was salmon and he'd paired it with some grey sweatpants." I'm sure as shit not getting changed."

"Yeah, okay, I won't either." Richie agrees, wiping some sweat off of his forehead." I made the mulled wine last night and we've got snacks until dinner is ready-

"Everything's going to be fine, please don't stress." Eddie begs, hopping down from the countertop and walking over to the comedian. He wraps his arms around the taller man's waist, resting his head on his back, Richie letting out a content sigh. The two sway lightly to Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon.

"I'm really hoping Stan and Patty like the latkes I've made." Richie sighs. It was the start of Hanukkah and so they'd decided to somewhat blend the two holidays together." Mom made the sufganiyot."

"Please don't stress, Rich, everything will go okay." Eddie says, rubbing Richie's back gently. The comedian sighs once more and says," I'm in a constant state of stress since these fucking sleep paralysis dreams haven't gone away."

"We'll see a doctor about that."

"I don't think they can do much. If they find out they're happening because of a demon clown, I'll be admitted to a hospital." Richie states, checking on the potatoes.


"That's the door." Richie says as the door bell rings." Can you let them in, please? I could do with a hug from my mom."

"Okay." Eddie nods and he goes off to answer the door. He opens it to find Maggie and Went dressed in coats, scarves, hats and gloves that are all slightly snow covered. Maggie grins, holding a huge bag full of presents. Went's holding the sufganiyot and the Christmas cake.

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