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BOOK 1: Sweetly Sophie

"They say even the girls that are innocent can't match her innocence until she suddenly shows she is not pure, until it is too late for the captors of her heart and lust to be contained by her victims." This is the description given simply to a certain woman a male was able to get away from until he was taken away to an asylum. He described America as a crazy place to be in, which is why he was flown all the way back to his home in the United Kingdom. How she ages works very differently than of any other mortal in the entire population of Earth.

It was the year 2021. Humanity by itself had already established itself as the only living species, to not only inhabit and take care of the planet Earth, but also to live in it and take care of other things. But... like any other species assigned to take care of these other species, they mismanage, not because they make more mistakes, but they have their own agendas. Higher classes keep the lower classes in line, and the middle-classes usually make ends meet while they mostly keep out of trouble for most of the time.

But in America's major cities, capitalism rules, and most have to either find word when they haven't had the best beginnings, or they have the opportunity to live like kings or queens when they do have them.

The brown-haired young man in his twenties, aged 24 years old specifically, named Ben Jameson, was a 5 footer 9 inch high of a male who was at one late afternoon sitting down at a chair facing a café table in a diner drinking coffee talking to someone in a smart phone, engaging in conversation.

Ben spoke up while being in the middle of the conversation that time while wearing a polo shirt and pants, looking at the window as the day was just ending as the sky was turning orange while the sun was slowly setting. "No, no. Listen. I know I'm not the type to rush things, but I kinda need something to go on here too. I know you know what I mean." He paused to hear the other line and he winced before speaking again. "Well shit. I'm not gonna beg. Just take your time, but I can't just keep waiting forever, Lizzie. You just have a few weeks. I didn't get assigned to a Harvard Temporary Substitute Program for nothing. I'm just gonna say it: I trust you. Whatever the result, the blame won't be on you. Okay? Now... I gotta go." Ben stands up from his seat and looks around and waves to the nearby waitress just walking by at him as he leaves and ends the call.

It took some time of patient walking until he was able to reach his short apartment building at a time that the sky was darker and was turning the night into one with stars. In the 8th floor apartment room was a 19-year old younger woman named Sophie Jameson, Ben's half-sister. She was wearing nothing but her panties and her sleeve shirt when Ben came home to find her sitting on a couch browing her smartphone just casually. He looked away, flustering a little before walking by the couch. "Hey Sophie."

Sophie briefly looked at Ben's eyes as he walked past her and nodded while getting back to her phone. "So how was it?" She asked, with her British accent becoming a reminder to Ben that she's born from a different land than he was. "Wasn't difficult, I hope?"

Ben stopped to look back at Sophie while at the edge of the kitchen. "I think my chances are good. I'm just a substitute, but I'm not without any duties there." He said it in reply, looking at Sophie's general appearance, having dark amber-colored hair, being curly and lengthened up to her shoulders and styled to hang by only one of those shoulders. She's slightly taller at 5 feet 11 inches. And unlike Ben's dark blue eyes, Sophie had a green color to hers. "How's the dating going?"

Sophie simply looked at Ben and shook her head to answer him. "They're not even trying. I can already seen past their awful lies."

Ben shrugged his shoulders while heading into the kitchen and opening the refrigerator looking for some food. "Well they're considered blind dates for a reason. Plus, it's daytime. And, it doesn't come easily, okay?"

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