Chapter 9

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It was 8:30 when the doorbell rang. He was early. I heard talking downstairs, and I knew my mom had opened the door.

"Jessica! There's a boy here! I think he wants your hand in marrige!" She called in a Southern-Belle accent. I called back down to her in almost the exact same voice,

"Oh happy day, Momma! I'll be down in one moment to accept my ring proposal!" 

I know. We were weird. But it was just something we did.

I flew across my room, grabbing my black converse and checking my make-up again. Finding heels to match the gorgeous blue, heart-top, strapless high-low dress we found totally slipped our minds, so I figured converse would make it more me. I slipped them on before heading for the stairs.

"Now where's that handsome man asking my hand for mar--" My sentence cut off as I caught a glance at Niall. He was in a tux. Full. On. Tux. And he looked HOT. I stood, my mouth slightly open, for a moment before finally regaining my mind. That's when I realized he practically mimicked my expression. 

"Jessica... Wow..." He breathed before coming over and taking my hand. He leaned down and kissed it like an old time gentleman, not ever leaving my eyes. I heard my mom gasp in the background.

"Oh, you two get out of here and have some fun." She smiled at me as I grabbed my purse and headed out the door in front of Niall. 

Once in the car, I turned to face him.

"So. Want to tell me where we're going?" He glanced at me before quickly looking away.

"I'm sorry. I can't look at you while I'm driving. It's too distracting." I blushed. I was glad this dress made me look good.

~Niall's POV~

When I told Jessica to dress up, I wasn't expecting her to look how she did. The blue hi-low dress she was wearing complemented her every curve, and trust me, she had a lot of them. In all the right places. She had dark black eyeliner and mascara on, bringing her blue eyes out of their shell and making them a deep night blue, with the help of the blue of the dress. Her hair was in waves down her back, and she had on black converse. I chuckled. That was my Jessica. 

My Jessica.

I could get used to the sound of that.

~Jessica's POV~

We pulled up in front of a large resturant-looking building. It was beautifully decorated. Niall came around the side of the car, opening my door for me and helping me down like a true gentlemen. He dropped his keys in the Valet's hand before leading me inside. 

"Ah, Mr. Horan. Welcome back." The host said through a deep French accent. He smiled at us as led us to our table in the back. It was slightly hidden from view of the other tables. I had a feeling Niall did this on purpose.

"I don't understand anything on this menu." I said after a few minutes of trying and failing to read the French menu. Niall chuckled and took the menu out of my hands. I felt embarassed when the waiter came back. I was about to tell him to bring me something at random since I had no idea what that menu had on it, but Niall spoke in fluent French before I could open my mouth. Well shit. That was hot.

"Cette belle femme et je voudrais..." I watched him speak to the waiter fluently, not paying attention to exactly what he was saying, but just the way he looked and sounded when the words slid off his tounge. It was beautiful.

"Is that okay, love?" He asked me. I snapped out of my side thoughts and nodded, not knowing what he had ordered me. The waiter left, and he slid his chair closer to me. By the time he was done, I could feel the heat coming off of him, and smell his cologne. It was a nice smell, not discusting like those Axe brands that most guys spray too much of. His hand rested on my thigh and I jumped.

His hand was warm on my bare skin. I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking about how it would feel if it started to move upwards, and almost like he could read my mind, it did. My eyes shot open and I looked at him, putting my hand on top of his to stop it from moving. He smirked. 

"If you hadn't looked so intensly content I might not have tried anything, love." His accent rolled off his tounge, giving me more butterflies.

"I was just closing my eyes. Last I checked that wasn't an invitation to try and grope me." Okay, that was rude. But he laughed. 

"You're so cute when you're mad." He whispered, leaning closer to me. His hand slid farther up my thigh, even though I had just told him to stop.

"Niall..." I warned. My voice was weak, breathy. I tried to make it sound stronger. "Niall, stop." 

"Mmm." He kissed my neck, his hand still moving. I took a deep breath before jumping up. 

"I-uh-I have to pee." I said smoothly. I heard him chuckling as I hurried away.

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