Chapter 13

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I awoke in a basement. It smelled musty, and, well, disgusting. I tried to sit up and look around, but my arms and legs were tied to what felt like a mattress and my head throbbed with a headache.

Chloroform. The bastard drugged me! I struggled against my restraints but I couldn't budge, and it was making my head hurt worse. That's when panic started setting in. This guy drugged me, and then kidnapped me. Who knew where I was or what was going to happen to me! I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Now now, dear, don't cry."  A voice behind me made me jumped. I looked up to see the same man from the street sitting in a chair across the room. 

"Wh-What do y-you want?" I stuttered, trying not to spill anymore tears.

"Well, you see, babe, I saw you and I just had to have you." He replied, getting to his feet and kneeling down beside me until his face was almost touching mine.

"I always get what I want." He whispered before kissing me harshly. I ripped my face away from his and tried loosening the ropes bounding my wrists. He continued kissing my neck and moving down my chest. 

This was so not okay.

He was going to rape me. Ohmygod.

More tears spilled over as I tried to scream for help. He slapped me, hard.

"No one can hear you, love. I made sure of that." He chuckled before ripping my shirt open. I screamed louder as his kisses trailed down the valley between my breasts. I was sobbing now. 

After a few moments of screaming and feeling his discusting hands and mouth on me, I gave up. He had slapped me a few more times, telling me to shut up. That's what had given me hope to keep yelling. I just cried and closed my eyes, praying to get out of this alive. The man's hands popped the button of my jeans and moved towards the zip. 

I squeezed my eyes right when a large crash sounded from the house above. I opened my eyes enough to see that the man had stopped moving down my body and was now pushing himself up to face an intruder on the other side of the room.


And he



"Let her go." He growled. I could see the veins in his arms and neck throbbing violently.

"You're inturrupting, man. I suggest you get the fuck out before I call the cops." The man spat. 

"The cops? And how the fuck do you plan to explain a tied up, crying girl in your basement?" Niall replied. The man looked shocked, looking back at me. Guess he hadn't figured that one out yet.

Niall's fist slammed into his cheek, making the man fall backwards. I screamed. Niall dropped down on top of him and punched him over and over, not letting up. I flashed back to the night in the alley, but this time I couldn't do anything to stop him, and Harry wasn't here to help. 

"Niall!!" I sobbed. I hoped the desperate fear in my voice would get through to him. The man was unconsious, bleeding everywhere. Niall looked up at me. His eyes were dark with anger and I desperately wished I could cover my chest. I didn't want him to see me like this. Practiaclly exposed unwillingly. It made me feel discusting. 

Tears were running down my face. I looked away from his softening eyes.

"Oh my God, Jessica. Baby I'm so sorry." There where tears in his voice but I still refused to look at him. He untied me and pulled me into his arms. We sat for what seemed like forever, him just holding me and rocking me and telling me everything would be okay.


I finally declared myself put together enough to leave, but Niall wouldn't let me stand. He was afraid my legs would give out, and so was I, truthfully. I just wanted out of that house. Niall put me down and stood, stripping off his t-shirt before pulling it over me to cover me. No matter how shaken up I was by what just happened, I had to admit, I liked seeing him shirtless for me. He picked me up again and carried me out of the house. I hid my face in his shoulder as he walked me down the street to his condo.

He silently set me on the bed and pulled off my jeans. I was too shaken up to move. He laid me down and pulled a cover up over me, before kissing me goodnight. The last thing I remember thinking before falling fast alseep was, I think I love Niall Horan.


I awoke to the sound of snoring behind me. It was the middle of the night, probably around 2:00am. There was a heavy arm thrown around my waist, holding me tightly to a large body. Niall. I smiled before turning my head and kissing him on the cheek. I saw him smile slightly in his sleep before I relaxed and fell asleep again.

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