Chapter 21

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I decided to go to class today. I'd skipped almost a week of classes because of everything that had happened, and if I kept that up I knew I'd lose my scholarship. Although we were able to afford college easily, the scholarship I had recieved for my grades and my wide sports ability told me that I could live without my parents money.

I woke up feeling extra refreshed. It was early morning, around 7, and I didn't need to be at school until 10. I decided to take my time getting ready and making myself presentable. It would be a nice change from the hobo look I'd been rocking the week before.

By the time 9:30am rolled around, I was in my car, heading for the University from Starbucks. My long blonde hair was down in natural waves, I had on light, natural makeup, my favorite pair of skinny jeans, and a deep blue half sleeve top to match my eyes. I made my way to class and sat down in my normal seat, setting my coffee down and pulling things out for the hour ahead. No sooner had I sat down when a boy I didn't reconize sat down next to me. 

"Hello there." He said as his gaze raked my body. I instantly felt uncomfortable, consitering I didn't know the kid. His dark brown hair and green eyes bothered me to no end, and I wasn't sure why. I shouldn't have put in the effort to look decent today.

"Hello." I replied, keeping my gaze from his. Niall was going to have a fit when he walked in. 

"I'm Jay. You?" He tried to keep his voice lower, but it really just sounded like he hit puberty way too early and his vocal chords never evened out. It was a pathetic attempt at sounding seductive.

"Jessica." I continued my one word answers. I wasn't in the mood to deal with a creep. I'd had enough of that in the last few days.

"So yo-" He was cut off by a tap on his shoulder. Niall cleared his throat.

"Move." He demanded, politely but effectively. 

"Hell no, man. I was here first. Besides, the pretty lady's interested in ME, obviously." Oh, so he did have a normal voice. Go him. I looked at Niall's face and saw his smirk, which made me smile. He obviously found this kid as amusing as I did.

"Move, before I have to make the pretty lady watch me move you." He replied, his gaze shifting to me. I smiled more, trying to compress a laugh. Jay's eyes were wide now, but he wasn't backing down.

"You could try." He said with a small, nervous laugh. The kid was scrawny. Barely even 5'7". Not only would I ever date someone shorter than me, but he looked like he still belonged in middle school. He reached over and grabbed my hand, causing me to jump up and into Niall. I snatched my hand away. 

"No, hell no, uncalled for!" I yelled, keeping my back pressed against Niall's chest so I could feel if he moved. Just as I thought, he pushed me behind him and bent down to Jay's level.

"Move." He said again, and the kid scrambled up and ran for the stairs. Niall took his seat, making himself comfortable in a very visable manor before he looked up at me and patted his thigh. 

"Your seats ready, babe." He grinned.

I laughed slightly. "In your dreams, lover boy." I replied, smiling at him. 

"Oh, I plan on making it my reality." He whispered as I settled back into my seat and Mr. Anderson started talking.


As soon as we were dismissed, half the class was out the door. I stood and gathered my things before I looked over at Niall. He was standing with his arms stretched over his head. His blue tee-shirt lifted to show off a small peice of skin, including part of his V. My breathe caught and I quickly returned my gaze to his. The smirk on his face let me know that he saw what I was looking at. 

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