The Sun Shadow Samurai

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I ran as fast as I can so no one can see my ears. I went back to my apartment and went to the bathroom, I looked at the mirror. I have never seen myself looking like a demon. I heard a noise from the window and when I went to check it was monkey king waving at me. I covered my ears so he won't see it and opened the window. Monkey king came inside and gave me something, it was a sword that belongs to the sun shadow samurai. He handed it to me and said, "I want to see if it is you who was reborn from him." I looked at him confused and said, "well what am I supposed to do." He showed me what to do but he couldn't get the sword out of the handle. "Only the owner can held this sword no one else can do it so I need to make sure." He said with a serious face, I looked at him and grabs the sword, I paused for a sec and pulled out the sword, it was unleashed.

I looked at the sword as it glow, monkey king was shocked to she that his pupil is his long lost friend who left him after that fight. I heard a door slammed and jumped for a sec, I turned to look and see mei scared. "We need your help MK!" Mei shouted. I replied, "what's wrong is everything okay?" Mei grabbed my hand and tan towards outside. Monkey followed us, I went outside and look at a demon destroying everything.

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