tmth; timid mornings are perfect

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Dream signed one last autograph before shutting the door of the car, blowing a kiss through the window at the girls swooning. He grinned as the car began pulling away from the commotion.

"Damn," he said, "I was not prepared for the attention we would get as soon as we landed."

Beside him and sadly taking the middle seat, Karl said, "Definitely. At least we know we're wanted here."

On the other side Karl, Techno tilted his head, causing the loose strands of pink hair not in his braid to fall over his face. "Are we even preforming here?"

Before their manager, Lynx, could say something from the driver's seat, Dream said, "Well, I may have tweeted something about 404 and their concert over the weekend."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ranboo asked from the front seat. He always managed to get away with shotgun because of his stupid legs.

Lynx looked through the rearview mirror and at Dream. "Y'know I was speaking with Evander a couple nights before we left Florida. He wants us to collab and have a couple concerts together. He said he hasn't spoken with 404 yet, and I also want to know your guys' opinion."

Dream thought for a bit. "I wouldn't mind. I think it'd be fun."

Techno nodded his head. "I agree, I've kind of wanted to play with them for a while, they seem fun."

Karl scoffed. "Fun my ass. Our concerts are fire compared to theirs."

Murmurs of agreement went throughout the car, and Dream laughed, he couldn't help but agree with the smaller brunet beside him.

The car was silent for the rest of the drive to the hotel; Lynx wanted to spoil them on their vacation, so he had chosen a 'fancy' hotel. Dream had tried to reason with their manager, stating that they didn't need any spoiling, but Lynx had insisted.

They arrived at the hotel after a while and Dream yawned as he stepped out of the car, grabbing his luggage. It was late, and he was tired.

Dream wordlessly followed Lynx and the band after their manager had been informed with the room number. They were on the fourth flloor.

When they made it to their room, Lynx opened the door with a click. And when it swung open, his mouth dropped.

It was enormous, containing a living room, a kitchen, a small fucking bar, two rooms, and a balcony.

"Lynx," Dream said. "What the fuck is this. This is like a fucking house."

Their manager smiled. "I told you I wanted to spoil you. Enjoy it, please."

Sighing, Dream silenced as Lynx told them one room contained two beds, which the band would share, and he would get the other room with only one bed.

Dream happily went to their room and collapsed on one of the beds. glad his legs could finally relax after all the walking they did today. He pulled out his phone, watching out of the corner of his eye as Techno sat down on the bed and began undoing his hair.

"So Ranboo and I, and Techno and Dream?" Karl asked. "For sharing beds."

Dream shrugged. "I don't care. I just want to sleep."

With that, he didn't bother changing out of his clothes as he got comfortable, listening to the hushed whispers of his friends as they continued to do whatever, careful to not wake their friend.


He could hear Karl's voice before his mind fully comprehended where he was.

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