tmth; he's all dreamy

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The cheers slowly faded as he and his band went backstage with 404 following close behind. Tommy was laughing with Ranboo, Dream smiled as he heard it, glad some of them were starting new friendships.

"We should do something," Evander said. "And by 'we', I mean 'you guys' should do something."

Dream perked up, listening. On the other hand, George immediately frowned, not bothering to hide the expression. Dream sighed, he wanted to know why the brunet hated them so much.

He noticed all the time. Every time the two bands were in the room, George was glaring at Take Me To Hell, he always scoffed whenever they were mentioned, and never bothered hiding his frown.

He quickly averted his gaze when George caught him looking. So, he asked, "Now? I'm tired as fuck."

Evander shrugged, looking over at his band. "Knowing these four, they'll probably be whining in the first ten minutes, so no, it doesn't have to be tonight."

Wilbur scowled. "That sounded like we were toddlers."

A grin from their manager. "Well I'm not wrong, especially when y'all are tired."

Wilbur rolled his eyes, ignoring the scattered laughter from Take Me To Hell.

The two bands agreed to figure it out later (by that, they told Evander and Lynx that they could figure it out).

The car ride was nice and quiet. Lynx drove, Ranboo took the passenger seat once again, and the other three sat in the back.

Tired, Dream rested his head against the cold surface of the window. The street lights were softly lit up, illuminating the car each time they passed beneath one. At this time, not many cars were driving, unless they happened to be coming from the concert.

The radio was quiet, softly singing as Karl hummed along beside him, head bobbing side to side as he listened. Dream, on the other hand, let his eyes drift shut, never falling asleep, simply letting himself rest on the long car drive to their extremely over-the-top hotel.

When they arrived at the hotel, Dream practically dragged himself out of the car, the jet-lag had finally coursed its way into him, and now, he was dealing with the consequences.

He tuned out his band members' conversation as they made their way to their room. The door unlocked and Dream immediately made his way to the room he and the others shared.

He flopped onto his back, the soft pillow comfort as he allowed himself to relax. Techno sat down beside him, scrolling through his phone.

As soon as the door was shut behind Ranboo and Karl as they walked in, Ranboo said, "You're going to have to make your staring problem a little less obvious, Dreamy."

That caused Dream's sleepiness to vanish as he sat up with a jolt, hair fluffed and all over. "What?"

Ranboo sat down on his bed, tilting his head as he spoke to Dream. "Don't say what, it's kind of obvious; you, staring at George."

Dream stumbled over his words. He knew he'd been staring a couple of times, but he didn't realize that it was quite so obvious.

"Um--" he said. "I guess?"

Techno rolled his eyes playfully. "You're an idiot. We don't care, and plus, we know you're gay. It's just the fact that he kind of hates you."

Dream shrugged. "Yeah, though I'm curious why, 'cause it's only him. The rest of the bands seem to enjoy our company."

Karl looked up from his phone. "It has to do with Take Me To Hell being in the top five every year, Quackity told me."

Ranboo scoffed as he reappeared through the door. Dream hadn't even noticed he left. "So he's holding a grudge, technically. Or he's jealous, or both."

"Whatever it is, I don't want to talk about it," Dream said. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep, don't wake me up."

With that, he fell asleep, only to wake up to Karl shaking him awake.

He groaned, "Karl-- what the hell? What time is it?"

"It's almost nine," Karl said. "But Evander texted Lynx saying that we're going to an arcade! C'mon, let's go. Everybody's practically ready."

Dream then noticed that only he and Karl were the only ones in the room. Voices echoed down the hallway as Techno and Ranboo were chatting somewhere outside the room.

He sighed as he sat up, stretching before standing up and reaching for a towel. "Fine, okay. Let me shower really quick."

Karl shooed him away. "Hurry up! Lynx wants you down there in like ten minutes."

Dream headed to the bathroom quickly, muttering something about ten minutes being too short.

He showered quickly, unhappy with the fact that he didn't get so much time to wash his hair. He quickly threw on jeans and a t-shirt with intricate designs before walking into the main area, where his band and Lynx were talking.

Ranboo looked over. "Finally, Mr. Pretty Boy has arrived everyone, we can leave."

Dream flipped him off as they walked out of their hotel room. The huge lobby was already bubbling with life as they entered. He grabbed a bagel and coffee for himself and sat down with the rest of the band.

Each of them were wearing some sort of 'disguise', or something that at least altered their appearance. Dream wondered why Lynx let their bodyguards go off on their own vacation. Wasn't this a vacation as well?

He shrugged it off. They deserved it.

Lynx wasn't wearing a disguise, Ranboo and Techno had their hoodies up, and Dream and Karl were wearing sunglasses. It wasn't anything, but Dream always said that if their disguises were extra, they'd be more obvious than not.

They successfully ate their breakfast without being noticed, save for the one young fan that asked for an autograph on their way out to the car. Dream had smiled sweetly as he signed the small poster in her hand, as if she had expected to find them.

She thanked them excitedly, and Dream blew her a kiss as she walked away. He laughed quietly as he heard her squeal as she ran back to the lady who looked to be her mother.

As the car came into view, Dream sped up his pace, quickly opening the passenger side's door and hopping in, shutting it.

Ranboo tried to open the door, but Dream was holding it shut tightly. "Dream! Get out, that's my spot."

Dream simply shrugged, kicking his feet up onto the dashboard. "I got here first, you can sit in the back seat for one drive."

Ranboo huffed, but nevertheless, he made his way to the back. "Fine, one, you asshole."

The blond hummed happily, never responding.

Lynx sighed as he stepped into the driver's seat. "And Evander says his band acts like children."

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