Chapter 1: Oblivious

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I remember the first time I found out that a boy liked me, or even wanted to look in my direction. It was a quite sweet and admirable confession, but I didn't perceive it as that. All I thought about was wanting to go home.

"What is it?" I looked at him impatiently.

"Well... I kinda... like you?" Mal hesitantely told me while he sounded confused. "Don't tell anyone, though!" He continued before letting out an awkward fake-laugh, while still gently kicking the thick fallen tree infront of us.

I didn't look very fazed, but I kindly smiled to him. "Oh, okay then. I won't tell anyone, trust me," I said before attempting to balance on the tree.

We then immediately went back to where the others were.

The school trip went by as if the confession had never happened. I believe that I liked the guy back. Problem was that the time it occured was in eight grade and at that time I wasn't a very comprehensive person, well, a less comprehensive person. I didn't know my feelings too well to say that I liked him back or acknowledged his feelings towards me after he told me. I thought he just wanted to get it off his chest. Nevertheless, I wasn't looking for a partner at that unripe age, and my parents certainly didn't want me to, either.

I won't be excusing my obliviousness, though. I was the sort of person to hang out with a boy and later find out that it was supposed to be a date, which happened twice with the same young man in 11th grade. His name was Aidan and I did like him a little bit. At that time he was more nerdy-looking and wore braces. He had brown skin, curly dark hair and was quite noticable from afar due to his lankiness which suprisingly suited him. Overall, he seemed like a sweet and innocent boy.

However, It was after liking Aidan that things went downhill for me, not that it's related to exactly him, but I began to worry more about my looks, and crushed on anyone from high school who just even looked at me. I mean anyone. It might have been because of the self-conciousness of my appearance that lead to me believing that everyone else—just not me—was undoubtedly attractive, and the fact that I've lost count of how many people that have made me blush wasn't even my biggest worry. But it was the fact that none of these people liked me back.

6:10 PM

The sun was setting as school finished and we had just arrived back in the building after a long day at a school trip. I was packing my bag by my locker as I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I stood up from kneeling and saw that it was Gigi, immediately recognizing her big bug-eyes looking directly at me.

I slightly jumped. "Oh! You're still here?" I asked while we started walking through the hallway.

Gigi suddenly stopped walking. "Are you going home?" She asked.

"I forgot my pajamas," I answered. Our grade was supposed to spend the night at school doing fun activities, like video games and pillow fighting for one of the last days of school.

"I can come with, if you want," she suggested.

"Yes please do!" I begged. It felt like she could sense my fear of the dark.

We were on our way out of the building when we unexpectedly saw Aidan under the stairs that was by the exit door, making out with Lauren. She was sitting on his lap while his back was getting pushed against the wall. Nothing too sexual, but it was honestly grossing me out. It just wasn't a nice sight at all. The kissing sounds were echoing, which didn't make it any better. We just turned away from them and opened the door.

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