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The title was supposed to be "Outside!"

Y/n is referred to as You
The pronouns are it/its

"Kurogiri, get You ready for today. I want it to come out with me when I'm going shopping near noon."

"Alright. You, I'll show you how to get ready."

Kurogiri and You were in the bedroom they share to learn how to get ready.

"Is there a physical body within the mist?"

You pressed a button.


Kurogiri inspected the other details in the paper from the doctor.

"Well, I guess it is changing clothes for you."

Kurogiri spent about 25 minutes teaching You how to change its clothes.

"Is it ready?"

"Yes" You pressed as it ran towards Tomura at the door.

"Well, I guess we start our outing."

Tomura is out in a black hoodie with You at his side. 

It was an outside adventure or more of an outing so that You can improve the amount of stuff to copy when needed.

"This is a place called a shopping district. There are many stops here that we can freely roam around."

"Play..." You said as you nodded your head.


The first place they entered was a toy store. Tomura showed you a bunch of toys that could be useful in tripping people or distracting them.

The second place was a food court. Tomura showed you the different foods and drinks around the area and other foods such as snacks later on.

"Play play?" You asked while pointing at the food Tomura is eating.

Food good?

"Yeah, I'm enjoying my food."

The next place was an electronics store. Tomura was showing You different technology devices.

"Play play play." You pointed at a computer box.

You have this

"Yes, I have this computer in my room."

Next store was for general usage like office supplies. 

"If we run out of supplies like paper or need medical items for healing."

After a while, Tomura entered the arcade with You. 

"Have some fun for a bit."

You explored the different games at the arcade and had a few chances of being a player two with Tomura.

"Play play!"

Games fun!

"Glad you're happy."

Tomura and You returned back to the bar.

"Welcome back. I hope your outing was enjoyable." 

"It was alright."



You stayed at the bar chatting with Kurogiri about the mall trip.

The afternoon soon turned night and Tomura brought You to the black market.

"We are here to view different weapons. Stay close, don't trust anyone except me, and defend yourself if there were ever an attack."

There were many weapons You was exposed to.









and other stuff...

"Well aren't you a cute little kid here in a dangerous place."

"Back off."

"No." The stranger said as they pushed Tomura to the side. 

"You attack these people. They're being annoying."

"What's a kid going to do to me anyway? Is the kid's quirk so strong that it could kill me?"

"No, but I would gladly kill you for continuing to be annoying."

"I'd like to see you try-"


You kicked at the person a few times before looking back at Tomura.



"Well, I guess that works. Not great for attention, but then again, this area we're in is deserted. Let's go before anyone notices this vending machine."

Tomura called Kurogiri for a portal back to the bar and they all called it a night.

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