
15 0 0

Like a gap or filler of details while You isn't active because of last chapter.

Shigaraki's perspective

Y/n is referred to as You
The pronouns are it/its

I couldn't believe I lost You to the stupid yakuza person.

It was my friend. Well, more of a random gift, but I started to care for You later on.

*** Flashback ***

"Play play!" You cheered as it finished a blanket fort with chairs supporting the structure. 

You asked earlier for me to play with it after it was done building a blanket fort with the use of its quirk. I agreed play with along with Kurogiri.

"I can't believe I was willing to play with a child no older than a month."

I crawled under the blankets and it was revealed to be another world.

(Basically the place where You gets the stuff out of its pockets)

I was also smaller than before...or younger.

Right next to me was a person with blue hair and eyes.


"I think I am...but at the same time...don't feel as if I was this person..."

As we sat there, I grew hungry and boom. A few snacks appeared out of thin air.

I ate the snack with no problem or surprising no worries of my quirk. 

"Does your quirk not work as well? My quirk is clouds, but this cloud isn't part of my quirk." Kurogiri...or someone... said to me.

I tried my quirk on the empty snack bag and it didn't turn into dust.

"Yeah, my quirk is not working."

As I stared further way towards a tree, I could see You hiding behind watching us as if it was afraid.

"You? It's me, Tomura and Kurogiri...We are as confused as you, but I'm sure there must be an explanation for all this. Come out... now..."

You slowly walked towards us.

"How?" You pressed the button.

"I don't know...I guess this is a fun place."

It is true, this place was so peaceful in a world full of society's stupidity.

After a short time of playing around, You got tired and let us all out of the blanket fort.

I think this is useful in attacks, a place that could erase quirks. However, it might ruin the peacefulness of that place. I'll just keep it as a secret so I could sometimes escape from reality and be childish as a child.

My attachments to You was the freedom of speaking my mind, can't dust it, and the pocket's world ability to get rid of my annoying itch to destroy.

*** End Flashback ***

Now, he basically murdered my friend and took a member's arm off. Luckily, Mr. Compress is alright and isn't in critical need of a blood transfusion. The only strange thing we found is a bullet.

I kept staring at the business card thinking about the offer.

"Twice, what do you know about the man?"

"I don't know.
He is strong. I spied on him and he not only destroyed the criminals involved, but revived them.
Yeah, I still don't know."

"So he can not only destroy but can recreate. Interesting, maybe I'll have a talk with him. Tell the others I'll be out."

"You got it boss!
Why me? Isn't there anyone else?
Oh wait, I'm alone."

Once I arrived to the card's location, I was greeted with the man's lackeys.

We basically walked around in endless circles until we arrived to the final destination.

"So, have you considered my offer?"

"You made me walk in circles for 30 minutes. What gives?"

"In case people we don't want in gets inside. Shogi?"

"I don't know how to play the game. Anyways, I have questions for you before I consider your offer to join."

We chatted for a while about our plans until I eventually agreed.

I was totally upset that he needed some of the valuable members, but Kurogiri is on a solo mission. 

"Wait, before I go. Could you try to use your quirk on You? Its hand remained and regeneration for the type of nomu is too slow that the quirk wasn't even detected."

I left its hand on the table before staring at the man.

"I can try my best."

"If You is working for you, then I don't want exposure of its existance to the heros. I want You to feel safe. Don't take advantage of it just because it wasn't born human."

"Understandable, I suppose. I might have an idea for a task it could do. No worries, it isn't too major related to yakuza business."

I gave him a hard stare before looking at the process of You being revived. 

After that revival stage, I gave it clothes before leaving.

"I'll return when the time comes...If anything wrong happens, then go find Toga or Twice."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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