Green and Blue

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"Green! Don't you dare open that door

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"Green! Don't you dare open that door. Put on your shoes first. Don't go outside barefooted!"

"Green, you're too old to go outside. Stay inside and do your homework."

"Green! Get back inside."



Green jolted awake and sighed at the dream in her dark room. She sat up rubbing her eyes and squinted around the room over at her computer. The screen was the only bright light in the room. Her dark curtain covered the light from shining from outside and Green liked it that way.

She could close her eyes and picture space on her ceiling with a tired smile.

She got out of her bed and made her bed up. She turned on the lamp and put on her glasses. She took off her scarf and pulled her hair to make it more fluffier and bigger.

She opened her closet door and took her dad's old nasa jacket and put it on over her green sports bra. She headed down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen.

"Hey Mom and Dad." Her dad looked up at her from his radio and smiled while her mom didn't turn to look back at her, only focused on cooking.

"Good morning Green." Her dad said giving her a kiss and sitting back down at the table.

"Hi Green." Her mom put plate of pancakes and eggs on the table which Green took. She looked at her mom hopeless that she would never come back the way she was.

She ate fast and smiled at her mom,"So good Mom." Her mom grabbed the plate and didn't smile back. After two years, Green was use to it by now as she watched her mom sway back and front. She got up as her mom sat down. "Bye dad and bye mom. I'll see you later." She kissed each on the cheek before she left.

"Remember to keep your shoes on."

Green raced down the street pass nosy people and went through the old mechanic shop. She stopped at a gate that said No trespassing! For safety.

She stared at the trees behind the gate and looked back behind her hoping not to see anyone. She started to climb up listening as the gate make noise. She jumped over and landed on her feet once again.

She sprint down the path making sure to not trip over roots that grew through the concrete.

She leaped over making sure to not touch the tree branches and bushes. She loved the wind on her skin and the heat from the sun. She couldn't hear any of the small chattering like she use to, it had all changed after some years.

It grew more quiet.

She paused over a cliff and looked down for her target before jumping down.

She landed on her butt and groaned getting up. She quickly dusted off her pants. "Hey buddy!"

She smiled warmly at the grasslike figure, almost covered in green. Half of its face reveal a brown boy's face. His eye opened showing blue, "Hello Green!" The grass smiled at her.

"So how's mom doing?" Green took out a watering pot out of her backpack and started to water the green figure. "She's okay." Her smile wavering for a moment.

"She misses me still, doesn't she?" Green could only nod. "She still thinks your dead." Green looked over at her brother who still in the same position he died in.

Standing up with his arm shielding the other side of his face which was not covered in grass. How could he still be alive and upbeat about everything. He is suppose to be dead, yet here he is standing and smiling like nothing happened.

"Well I'm glad someone doesn't think that." His eye switched to brown when he looked over at Green and Green looked back.

Green thought he was dead too, but her love of nature made her come across the broken road and she had heard his voice down at the bottom of the cliff where he fell. His body had been there for a while and he had survived eating the grass and drinking from the small waterfall beside him.

They all thought they could rescue him before the trees got to him, but he was stuck in the seen position when he got struck in the chest. A tree branch tried to kill Green, but her brother stepped in the way holding position, he would keep forever.

"Yeah, me too." She sat in front of him placing the speaker in front of her and turning on some music. She watched as he closed his eye listening once more to the beat.

Once, it reached sunset; Green got up smiling at her brother. " I'll be back whenever I can. I love you." She couldn't touch her brother and only stared wanting to rush over and just hug him. Then she too would join him in the green. "Stay strong." He didn't open his eye and just exhaled softly.

She climbed up the cliff holding on to the rocks that were out. She raced once again to the gate. The trees could play tricks on people who came, but they were same one that tried to attack Green. She saw one try to move in front of the path, but she dodge by moving to the left.

She reached the gate looking back the trees who just hissed at her in a whisper. She jumped over and ran home smiling to herself.

She had won again and she would have to do all over again.

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