Pink and purple

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Green placed her headphones on and listened to the beat

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Green placed her headphones on and listened to the beat. She smiled feeling calm and more rational when she played music. She played her favorite artist, SZA. One of her favorite songs was Good days, she would replay it every time.

She wrote down her questions  down in an old notebook.


could Mom turn into a grasslike person and could we all be infected by just being near her ?

Is the smoke in the dream at her house or somewhere close?

Will her brother fully become a grasslike person?

How many more people were left in the world?

Will she-

She paused looking at the paper, she didn't want to finish that last sentence. Not yet. She took off her headphones and walked to her parent's room. She knocked on the door.

Her dad answered, he blocked the door from being seen in the inside. "Yes honey? Is everything okay?"

Green nodded smiling at her dad, "I just wanted to say that I wanted to cook this so what do you want?"

Her dad shrugged fixing his glasses, "Whichever, it doesn't matter to me or your mother.  I know it will be good." He kissed her forehead and closed the door fast. She blinked a couple of times before retreating to the kitchen. She took out the frozen pork chop and placed in the cold water. She placed her notebook on the table and started to brainstorm.

What could the big tree want with her?

She clicked the pen in and out repeatedly and glanced outside. She squinted seeing a small vine trying to come in.

The small vine tapped the window a couple of times before freezing when Green got closer. She fused her eyebrows debating on yelling for dad or trying to solve it for herself.

She backed away from the window and the small vine started to tap again on the window.

Green almost fell with shock. Would this mean, they needed to move or what? She slowly walked forward to the window again and the small vine didn't stop tapping. She was so close, that she saw her breath on the glass.

"What do you want?" She spoke softy and the small vine stopped tapping. When she looked up, A tree was close to the window this time and Green screamed backing away again.

She heard her dad's rushed footsteps coming closer. The tree started to slowly back away from the window and the small vine disappeared.

"What the heck?" Her dad grabbed an axe and a shotgun before stepping outside and pointing around. Slowly, her dad stepped out and almost dropped his gun. Green walked over also surprised seeing a large amount of trees in their front yard.

"How did they get this close without making a sound?" Green asked and her dad didn't speak.

"Move, don't get any close to this door." Her dad backed away and shut the door fast. He grabbed a couple of boards and shoved it towards Green, "I want you to nail these to the doors and windows. Make sure you don't leave a crack in sight."

"Dad, What's going on ? Why are they here?"

Her dad sighed, "I don't know. They might be here for-"


Green turned seeing her mom and then seeing bark covering her mom's arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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