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The illuminating moon lit up the silent thunderpath. A slight breeze, rippled the leaves tugging on the trees on both sides of the border.

The night though was not over and far from tranquil, as two shadowy figures approached the grey-pasted concrete loudly.

The moon's rays unveiled a dark brown tabby tom - ears flattened and tail lashing, clearly agitated. Another more serene pale ginger she-cat walked behind him nervously and her head pointing downwards.

The burly figure stopped at the edge of the thunderpath. The she-cat paused and glanced at him sorrowfully.

The two Clan cats faced each other in dreadful silence with a pained expression on their faces, the first to speak up, was the hazel-eyed queen, called: Ravenscar.

"Why did you do it? None of this would have happened, if you haven't done what you did, and now you have been exiled, what am I supposed to tell the kits?"

The she-cat murmured sharply, her pelt bristling, in slight anger at the entirety of the situation.

The tom only snorted, not caring much for her cheap sentimentality, curling his tail around his paws, "They were a problem, that I got rid of."

The coldness in his voice frightened the queen and she took a few steps back. "So- you don't even care? You took a cat's life and you don't feel anything about it?"

Her eyes widened in astonishment, and her thoughts whizzed inside her brain. This was not the cat she fell in love with.

Curlheart stared at her and narrowed his eyes, as if watching a kit doing something they shouldn't be doing. "I should have been deputy, not that pathetic little toad."

Ravenscar shook her head in disbelief, parting ways had to be for the best, Curlheart was a monster. She had to protect her kits. She herself would raise them, and they would be safe in ThunderClan from all danger with no evil attached to their name, and have a normal life.

"I feel sorry for you Curlheart truly sorry for how far you've fallen- we are no longer mates, the kits will never know you or be raised by you."

She whipped around without waiting for his reaction. "If that is what you wish Ravenscar," the tom meowed, nonchalantly and coolly.

The she-cat twitched her ear in acknowledgement, but continued walking away without another word, "But you cannot keep me from my kits."

At these words the expecting mother froze, and turned back to face him with renewed fury.

"They may be your kits, but you're pure evil, I will never let them be influenced by someone like you."

The queen stated firmly, her protectiveness already growing, of her unborn kits as her hackles slowly started rising, as her former mate hissed at her menacingly.

"You would do well to remember, that I have killed before, and I can easily do it again, even though the idea of hurting you is unimaginably painful for me to think about."

The dark brown tom growled, and the queen shuddered in response, but slid out her claws.

"Is that a threat? You would kill me? The mother of your kits." She snapped angrily and bushed her tail out as it lashed from side to side in a defensive state.

The tom sighed but said nothing and glanced up at the moonlight above, then continued to stare at her, "As I said the idea of hurting you is far from pleasant, but I will not be restricted from seeing my kits."

The queen gasped and silently prayed for her legs to stop shaking. "I- I will raise them," She replied, but the confidence in her voice gone.

"Of course you will, they will be raised in ThunderClan." Curlheart replied, innocently, though Ravenscar could tell there was a catch. She didn't know what it would be, and her fear started growing by each second.

"However when the time comes I will meet my kits, without any delay or your opinion on the matter." The dark brown rogue said powerfully. The pale ginger molly shivered, as the night grew chilly. "Why exactly? So you can make them evil like you? I will never let that happen- over my dead body."

She bared out her teeth, but the tom in phased unsheathed his claws as a warning.

"Don't force me to do something, I don't want to do, Ravenscar. These kits in your belly are mine just as much as they are yours. If you or anyone else tries to stop me..." He growled venomously, looking down at his claws, for a brief moment.

Ravenstar stayed silent, watching as her former mate turned and sprinted across the thunderpath.

She watched as he disappeared to the other side.

"StarClan," She mewled, weakly trying to seek her ancestors for guidance on the situation.

"Please, let something happen to him so the meeting never comes, I want my kits to be safe- Curlheart is evil and a monster- don't let him live, long enough for the kits to meet him, they must be protected."

The she-cat felt slight guilt. She shook it off immediately. There was nothing good about her mate, not anymore.

As the queen walked back through the territory towards camp, the tom's threat rang in her ears, she couldn't let any cat get hurt, because of him.

The caterwauling screech of an owl startled her but she kept a cool head and let out a sigh of relief as the gorse tunnel came into view.

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