Chapter 2

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"-Well ThunderClan are bossy know-it-alls, WindClan is the weak Clan. RiverClan, is full of weird cats. SkyClan is the outsider-"

Silverkit rolled his eyes at his brother's insults. "You're exaggerating, don't you think?" He mewed, agitation filled his voice as the dark brown tom-kit and his sister Cherrykit turned to glare at him. "Whose side are you on? And anyway, you know that we're only saying the truth."

The tom stayed silent. He was used to being ill-treated by his litter-mates. It didn't bother him much though, as he preferred to hang out with the other kits.

He could tell though that his mother was worried about the kits. "Your brother is right, Wildkit. We don't need to insult others to prove our loyalty to ShadowClan; the other Clans are our rivals not our enemies, there is a big difference."

Admiration sparked in Silverkit's paws at his mother's words, as she told his brother off. He could tell when the two kits fell silent that they wouldn't argue with mother. As the dark grey queen made herself comfortable- she prodded the tortoiseshell kit and the large grey tom-kit towards Silverkit.

The pale grey kit narrowed his eyes, clearly seeing the irritation in his litter-mates' eyes. He huffed and stood up to walk out of the den. "Where are you going dear?" The tom turned to face his mother, "To the other kits," He responded coolly.

As the grey tom-kit padded out of the nursery, his ear twitched as he heard his mother sigh and murmur something to one of the other queens.

"Sagekit stop sitting like a duck and come play with us!" Silverkit's ears swivelled, to hear the loud voice of Obsidiankit calling out. The pale grey tom watched from a distance as Goldenwhisker's litter formed a circle and began playing moss-ball.

Greykit, the pale ginger she-kit with beautiful blue seemed to notice him as all of a sudden she started making her way towards him, he waved his tail in greeting as she stopped in front of him. "Is Wildkit bothering you again?" She asked. Silverkit sighed. "Wildkit is always bothering me, and Cherrykit always sides with him."

The she-kit, sympathetically placed her tail on his flank before turning to watch her siblings play moss-ball. "I think he is just arrogant because he is the son of a leader," Greykit shrugged, her comment made the grey tom ponder his larger brother's attitude for a moment, What if it was more than just arrogance? "I can't help but think that he hates me. I don't why he would considering I've done nothing to him. Maybe I'm wrong though."

Greykit widened her clear blue eyes at him. "Of course you're wrong! He is your litter-mate."

Somehow the light-coloured she-kit's words didn't comfort the tom in the slightest.

The she-kit then nudged him, and he looked up at her, "Obsidiankit, Silentkit, and Sagekit are playing moss-ball- why don't you join us?" She asked hopefully and Silverkit could tell by the way her pelt pricked up that she really wanted him to, "Sure- It is better than listening to more of my brother's incessant whining." He finally agreed, and proceeded beside the she-kit towards the group of kits by the camp entrance. The first to notice his figure approaching, was the dark grey she-kit ordering the rest of her siblings around; she rushed towards him with a bounce in her step.

"Hey Silverkit come play with us!" The older she-kit squealed in excitement.

The pale grey tom -kit was about to turn, when he noticed the pale ginger she-kit beside him already gone ahead to greet the rest of her litter-mates, with a reluctant nod Silverkit joined the group giving himself a nervous grooming of his chest.

As the group of young kits formed a circle the tom couldn't help but peer out of the corner of his eye towards the leader's den, spotting a long-haired tom resting at the top. His father Hailstar was a strong and muscular grey-furred leader, only recently having been appointed. Silverkit didn't recall much, of the previous leader but for some reason no cat wanted to talk about his death.

The kit shook out his thoughts, and focused back on the game, watching as the ball was flung towards him. The tom stretched his limbs and slapped the ball with his forepaw. He had to admit that the game was quite fun.

The kits continued playing for a while, until a tortoiseshell-pelted warrior, Amberpelt appeared and sent his kits back to the nursery. The pale grey tom yawned, but didn't feel like going back in just yet.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Greykit stare at him before being ushered into the nursery and started looking around.

His smooth pelt, pricked in excitement, as he spotted Hailstar, padding towards the warriors den, with a bounce in his step, the tom-kit trotted towards him. But before he has the chance, a flash of brown fur thundered past him, and took the leader's entire attention in an instant.

Lashing his tail in anger, Silverkit stomped away towards the elder's den.

The clump of fallen logs, was where the elders all rested. The grey tom, often hid away there whenever he got tired of Wildkit. "Come in Silverkit," a croaked voice spattered out. They must have scented him coming this way already. He slid under the entrance. "Let me guess," the elderly brown tom in the corner murmured amusingly.

Lightningwhisker was the tom-kit's personal favourite, the old tom-cat was blind and slightly deaf so Silverkit knew he had to speak louder and closer to the tom whenever he came to visit. "How is your paw?" He asked, eyes glittering with concern, for the elder.

In response, the dark brown tom, twitched his whiskers. "A bit stiff. But it is not doing too bad," He replied, shifting his weight onto his back and flipped down.

The tom-kit instinctively drew closer, and settled down beside the tom to bring him more comfort.

He brought his head up, to greet the other elders. "Coldstorm and Saffronslash how are you two doing?" The grey tom-kit asked kindly meeting their gaze.

"We're well enough thank you for asking Silverkit," The reply came from the black and grey she-cat, with bright green eyes.

"Same tale as always...?" The blue-grey she-cat beside her asked warmly.

With a nod the pale grey kit, sprung from Lightningwhisker's side. He settled himself down in front of the two wise she-cats.

The blue-grey she-cat, crouched down and stared into the far-off distance, as though she wasn't in the Clan but in some other world.

"The Clan was not always thriving, as much as it is now in present time."

Silverkit tucked his paws in more closely, his tail thrashing all over the place from eagerness.

The elderly she-cat glanced at him in amusement. She then zoned out again and briefly the kit looked behind to notice the old brown tom's ear twitch, at the mention of the beginning and he began to wonder if perhaps the former warrior could hear well after all.

"Leaf-bare after leaf-bare made survival difficult, and the Clan was on the verge of downfall, not even help from rivals could stop us from slowly starving."

The blue-grey she-cat sighed, recalling the bitter memory, "So the leader decided upon sending out a patrol to the mountains-"

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