Chapter 1

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"Come on! Open your eyes!" Dawnkit felt a sharp prod on her side, perhaps it was time to see the world, though she heard her mother scold what must have been her litter-mate. Finally the tiny kit willed herself to open her eyes, blurred vision at first but with time it got clearer.

How does the world have so much colour? She thought in amazement, before turning her focus on the figures in the den.

She first caught sight, of a pale ginger queen sitting in front of her. Then, she spotted what must have been her litter-mates beside the queen.

One of the kits was of black and grey colour.

The other looked similar but was completely black, she immediately stood up, falling immediately back down. "Dawnkit! Come over here my darling," The queen mewled gently. She beckoned with her tail, so the golden brown she-kit stood up and tried again.

It was difficult at first. Putting one paw in front of the other without falling was a struggle. In the end she managed to waddle beside her siblings.

"Dawnkit my name is Ravenscar, and these are your siblings: Snowykit and Whitekit. The tom-kit moved closer, towards her. "It is cool to be able to see right?" He asked with excitement.

The she-kit nodded rapidly. It earned a laugh from her mother and the other queens.

Dawnkit then noticed two other she-cats in the nursery. "H-hi."

The two queens gazed at her warmly and shared an amused glance with Ravenscar. "The ginger queen over there is Gingerwhisker and she is my sister."

"So we're kin right?" the tabby kit asked curiously. If the queen was her mother's litter-mate then that meant she was her aunt.

Her mother nodded. "That's right, Beekit and Lionkit are her kits. Over there in the corner is Poppyleaf. She is the mother of Ivorykit and Violetkit," The queen explained with her tail.

Dawnkit glanced in the other queen's direction. The black pelted she-cat lay her head down on the mossy nest under her paws and half-closed her eyes. "W-where are the other kits?" The golden tabby asked, looking around, to find the nursery den mostly empty. "They are outside but I expect they are coming back inside the nursery now," Her mother answered, drawing the she-kit's attention to the sun rays shooting from the entrance peaking her interest, her sister Whitekit, was the first to express her excitement.

"Oh I want to go outside! C-can we mother? Please, please, please?!"

The ginger queen tilted her head for a moment. "Alright you may go as long as you don't get under any cat's paws. Do not even think about going into the medicine den. That includes, the leader's den."

The black and grey she-kit frowned as she stopped in front of the nursery entrance, "What? Why?"

"Because the medicine den is full of herbs, that can harm or even fatally take a kit's life if swallowed or used incorrectly. Secondly the leader is busy and you need permission to enter her den."

Gingerwhisker replied matter-of-factly from the other corner of the nursery, whisking her tail she raised an eyebrow at her look-alike litter-mate.

Dawnkit's mother's whiskers twitched in amusement as she stood up and arched into a stretch. She quickly scurried the three kits out of the nursery.

As the trio stumbled outside the beautiful golden-brown she-kit was taken aback, at just how enormous the Clan's camp appeared to be, she glanced at her siblings and they looked equally amazed. The she-kit didn't even know, where to begin the tour. It took a while and then her gaze fell on the group of kits beside the gorse tunnel.

"Oh it is the kits from the queens mother introduced to us, we should go play with them." Whitekit bounced on her paws and without paying them any attention scampered or more-so staggered towards the kits playing moss-ball, Dawnkit herself was about to follow when something else piqued her interest.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a russet-coloured cat. They were perching on top of the high-rock watching around camp intently, The kit stared at her for a few moments, admiring her piercing green eyes and well-muscled russet-coloured pelt.

Two other cats appeared beside her. One of them was a thinner sandy-coloured she-cat while the other was equally light-coloured but paler in comparison.

All three of them were staring into the distance, when suddenly the leader's gaze seemed to fixate on the kit.

For a moment the molly blinked a couple of times in amusement, then her smile was erased and she seemed to be completely focusing her attention on the kit. Dawnkit flopped her head, to the side and started wondering why the leader was looking at her so weirdly. She felt Snowykit give her a nudge. The tom-kit was already heading towards the mossy cave next to the nursery.

The golden tabby she-kit, followed her brother's lead albeit was a wobbly start.

They both eventually stopped in awe at the den in front of them, the cave- was  of herbs- different kinds with fascinating scents.

"Look at a-all this stuff," Snowykit mewed. "This must b-be the medicine den mother was talking about," Dawnkit reminded. The black tom seemed to be moving closer inside the cave. Suddenly the she-kit, remembered Ravenscar's warning.

"D-don't go in there, it's dangerous. Gingerwhisker, said there are harmful herbs in there."

The tom stopped in his tracks and turned to face his sister. He www about to reply but was cut off by a shadowy figure.

Dawnkit widened her eyes. The light-coloured cat she spotted from the high-rock was standing in front of them. They glanced each of the kits with a stern expression. "Can I help you two kits with something?" The medicine cat asked, before pushing into his den.

The siblings exchanged a nervous glance, but slowly shook their head. The tom turned. He eyed them, curiously and twitched his tail.

"You weren't about to come in here, all by yourself were you?" The black tom... gulped even more deeply. His sister, sighed a breath of relief that she stopped him in time.

"We were just curious," Dawnkit spoke up, touching her flank to her litter-mate.

The medicine cat glanced at Snowykit, his eyes seemed to have glazed over. She winced as he hissed and shooed them both out of the den. What was that all about? The she-kit pondered.

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