Chapter 3

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It has been a moon. A moon since the incident at the medicine den. Dawnkit since then tended to avoid the medicine cat and his den, still upset about his reaction towards her brother.

The golden-brown she-kit, was now peacefully dozing, beside her mother's comforting pelt, only half-listening to the queens' conversation. "I am not surprised Icewhisper reacted that way," Her ears twitched at Gingerwhisker's comment.

What did that mean? Was there something wrong with Snowykit? The thought whirled in her brain, and she blinked her hazel eyes open, paying full attention this time. "It is not my son's fault."

This time the tabby she-kit was fully awake. She remained silent though, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping- or spying- curiosity pricked at her paws at the same time. "When are you planning on telling them, about Curlheart?" The pale ginger queen asked worriedly, tilting Dawnkit's head in confusion. Who is Curlheart? Is he another family member?

"I don't need to tell them. As far as I'm concerned, he is dead and a poor excuse for a father anyway."

The she-kit's heart froze, and took a moment to recollect what had just been said. Ravenscar had mentioned her father before but she only told them he was a rogue who has long disappeared.

"They still deserve to know who he is..." The look-alike sister trailed off, clearly unsure, whether to continue pushing the topic.

Dawnkit glanced at her mother, the ginger queen's fur was bristling slightly. "I know. But, I want to tell them when they are ready. And what happens if one of them, or all of them decide to look for him-?" She rasped, fear glimmering in her eyes at the thought.

Gingerwhisker placed her tail on her sister, shifting more closely towards her. "I won't let him hurt you or the kits-" The queen whispered protectively, it did little though to comfort the queen.

Ravenscar looked more unnerved than before- gazing back at her sister with a stern expression- "Don't you remember what he told me that night?"

The queen snorted in reply. No threat seemed to have phased her. "I am not afraid, of anything, and anyway he might be dead already."

Dawnkit had heard enough. She faked out a yawn, so they didn't think she heard the entire conversation. As she arched stiffly, the two mothers in front of her jumped in fright. "Dawnkit how much have you heard?" Ravenscar asked, nervously and glanced at her equally abashed sister. "Heard what? I was dreaming. It was nice to-" She was cut off by her mother standing up and shooing her out of the den.

"Go see if the elders need help with their ticks," The queen murmured into her ear. Reluctantly the she-kit obeyed, but as her mother returned to the den all of her pent-up emotions burst out.

"She has the nerve!" The golden she-kit nearly yowled out, making some of the warriors' heads turn in puzzlement. "Sorry," She quickly meowed out before ducking her head in embarrassment, it was hard to contain herself anymore.

Not only, did her mother lie to them all,  but she made them believe that their father was dead, Dawnkit didn't know what to think anymore.

As the tabby kit headed in the direction of the elders across the clearing she froze in her spot as a loud voice boomed her name from just behind her. The young kit turned to come face-to-face with the russet-coloured leader: Flowerstar.

"Flowerstar-" The she-kit staggered out nervously and dipped her head respectfully, the large she-cat in front of her gazed at her warmly. "I was hoping we could go for a little walk?" She asked expectantly. Dawnkit's pelt pricked with unease but curiosity at the same time.

She was about reply, but her attention drew to Beekit and Lionkit over beside the warriors den on the opposite side of the clearing. The dark-coloured tom and the black and white she-kit, were tussling with their father, Leopardspirit, a dark grey tom-cat with hazel eyes, giggling and clearly having a good time, it made the she-kit feel resentment inside, that she didn't have that in her life...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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