Chapter 15: Diamond

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And this was the perfect time to save it.

"But first, let's go eat dinner."

DBro sighed. "Man, you got us all hyped for nothing."

Mr. Benedict smiled. "Quite the opposite, DeAngelo. We'll start the mission very soon, but I feel like we should get to know each other first. Make sure we trust everyone before working together. Doesn't that make sense?"

"Sounds fair to me." Joseph added.

"Yes, Joseph. It does! Plus, Number Two has worked hard preparing it, and it would be disrespectful not to eat, right?"

"Hold on, you planned all of this ahead of time?" Trey asked.

"It's best not to question it." Reynie intervened.

"Let's all gather out in the dining room and we'll discuss this over food."

The kids and Mr. Benedict all left the study and over the dining room where a large table sat.

Everyone seated themselves and waited patiently for Number Two to bring over their meal.

"So, Evan. How'd he get this whole group together this quick?" Kate started.

"It was actually pretty easy." DaVan admitted. "Of course I said yes, because both Brandon and I have been affected by Reinhart in one way or another. He's gotta be stopped. And the others? Y'know..."

"DBro's here cause Evan convinced him to come." BDog said playfully.

"More like he got dragged." Constance joked.


Everyone laughed as the mood in the room started to lighten a little.

"How'd you guys meet?" B. Wells inquired.

"That's a little more complicated than your story." Sticky said with a chuckle. "It started with The Emergency. The original one."

Reynie moved his chair in a bit. "We were all struggling in some way."

"No, we weren't." Constance argued.

"Well, our legal guardians were. We're all orphans."

"Not anymore." Kate pointed out.

"Oh, yeah. Milligan's her dad."

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed. Then they thought about it. "Ohhh."

"Yeah, that reaction's normal. You're surprised at first, til it makes sense."

"Anyway, Mr. Benedict had us all take a test to get into the Boatwright Academy, but it was a ruse. A ruse to get into this group."

"But it all turned out great in the end." Sticky finished. "We helped stop LD Curtain, Kate found her dad, and The Emergency was over."

"Until it wasn't." Mr. Benedict reminded.

Number Two walked into the room with a tray.

"The amuse-bouche, sesame-seared bay scallops served with a yuzu gastrique."

"Ah. Thanks."

"Dang, you all fancy over here." Trey remarked.

"Local greens." She added before closing the door.

"So, what are the roles you guys have in this society?" Evan asked. "You seem like you need each other here."

"Oh, we definitely do." Kate replied. "Reynie and Sticky were the brains of the operation, we needed them to get to the top and see Dr. Curtain. But me-"

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