Epilogue: Beatbox Freestyle

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"Brandon! Come here! Brandon!"

B. Wells sighed, walking over to Zeke's room that Jay was sleeping in for the night. He and DaVan were staying over at the VanGilders' house for a few days on their road trip to see Jabez Z in Vegas. Brandon knew he could have gotten Terra to teleport them, but driving was just so much more fun, excluding the gas money.

Jay had his own little makeshift bed on the floor under Zeke's bed, and now he was calling for his favorite cousin.

Brandon poked his head into the room. "Hey, buddy. What's up?"

"I'm lonely." The 8 year old pouted, holding his blanket over himself with puppy dog eyes. "Can you comfort me?"

B. Wells smiled. "Awww. Ok, but only for a little bit. Your parents want you to sleep, remember?"

"I know, but..."

He sat down next to the boy. "Do you have trouble falling asleep?"


Jay suddenly wrapped his arms around Brandon and gave him a big hug. "I don't know what it is, but... you calm me."

Brandon hugged his little cousin back, holding him close. "I do?"

"Yeah, your hugs calm me."

"Awwww, well, good thing I'm here."

B. Wells laid the boy down gently, his head on the pillow.

"Brandon?" Jay piped up. "I love you."

"I love you too, bud." The older kid replied, patting his head softly. "Go to sleep, ok? For me."

Jay nodded, smiling.

B. Wells stayed with him for a bit, stroking his hair and humming "Moon" by Kanye West, seemingly lulling the boy to sleep.

Once his eyes were closed for a minute or so, Brandon got up and closed the bedroom door just a crack, seeing Zeke walk upstairs.

"Is he asleep?"

"Yeah, it took him a bit but, I think I calmed him down."

"Good." Zeke said, smiling. "Hey, I think it's really cool that your parents let you come here. Both you and Evan."

"Yeah, it is. Thanks for spending time with us."

The 11 year old shook his head. "Thank you for coming. Jay loves having you here."

Brandon chuckled. "Yeah, he literally just said that."

"Well, I gotta go feed my lizard and go to bed."

"Alright. Goodnight, Zeke."


The boy walked over to his room.

"Hey, Zeke?"

He turned around, seeing Brandon still standing there.


The cousin gladly accepted, embracing the rapper. "See you tommorrow."

"Love you, bud."

Meanwhile, DaVan sat on the couch with Caden in the basement, laughing about the latest story he'd told surrounding B. Wells and his arch nemesis. He hadn't gone into detail about the whole Whisperer or Cybermen thing, just the funny parts like freezing Reinhart's fingers, the prank that started it all. At least, his involvement in the battle.

"So what is that thing sticking out of your pocket?"

Evan's eyes widened, shoving it back in.

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