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Skip to Nicole arriving at Miracle's house after work.

Nicole's PoV

I have finally arrived at Miracle's house after having to attend a staff meeting at school. On my way home I received a call from my friend that I cheated with and she was asking if we were able to meet up and I instantly refused as I knew I wasn't going to mess up where I was now with Alex and also the fact that we are trying to fix our potential relationship with Miracle as our little.

Nic:- Hi guys how has your afternoon been?
Mira:- It's been ok we watched some movies after eating lunch. How has you day been?
(Nicole is shocked that Miracle answered without prompting from either of us but pleased that she was also willing to still give us a chance).
Al:- It was good I got lots of cuddles.
Nic:- Lucky you I had a boring meeting to attend and then on the way here I got an interesting call.
Al:- What do you mean an interesting call? Who was it?
Nic:- It was the girl I cheated with wanting to know if I wanted to meet up and I refused instantly, as I don't want to ruin what we have and what we could have with Miracle, but I also wanted to be honest and tell you both about it.
Mira:- Thank you for being honest and open with us, I really appreciate it. It's making me happy for giving this another chance.
Nic:- I'm so glad your willing to give us a chance. I was wondering if maybe we could make a plan for a day trip this weekend?
Al:- What did you have in mind?
Nic:- I thought maybe we could go to the zoo or the aquarium if you both want to go.
Mira:- I would like to go if both of you are up to going.
Al:- That sounds like a plan to me we should make a day of it, if we can, and then go out to eat at the restaurant we like for dinner. How does that sound?
Nic:- Ooh yeah definitely I can't wait to have a nice dinner there again.
Mira:- Ooh yeah can I order my favourite from there?
Nic & Al:- Absolutely!
Mira:- Can we watch a movie after eating?
Al:- Of course we can princess.

Time skip to Nicole leaving

Nic:- Ok loves I need to get going but I will see you both tomorrow as I need to get some sleep and sort a few things out.
Mira:- Goodnight Nicole hope you have a nice evening.

Alex walks Nicole to the door and kisses and hugs her.

Al:- Thank you for telling me about the phone call I really appreciate it and it proves to me that us trying to work through our problems rather than walking away was worth it.
Nic:- I don't want to ruin the progress we have made and honestly I feel like we're finally getting into a good place not just in our relationship but with working towards a possible relationship with Miracle. I don't want to jeopardise that for something that should never have happened in the first place.
Al:- Well let's keep moving forward, just be careful she doesn't just turn up at the house and you end up letting her in because we are getting to a really good place and I wanna keep that momentum going and especially now with our possible relationship with Miracle.
Nic:- Trust me I am definitely not letting her in ever, not only did it ruin our relationship where we've had to rebuild it from the beginning, but she didn't even have the decency to see if everything was ok or if you'd kicked me out, and now months down the line she wants to contact me, yeah I don't think so.
Al:- Well just know that I love you and I will see you tomorrow babe, goodnight.
Nic:- Goodnight babe love you.

Alex heads inside after Nicole pulls away and finds Miracle laid on the couch and he goes and lays with her and says "baby girl we should head to bed and get some sleep." Miracle turns over and looks up at Alex and says "ok". Alex carries Miracle upstairs to her room and says "baby girl why don't you do your night routine while I have a shower and do my night routine and then we can climb into bed and cuddle and go to sleep." Miracle responds with "yeah that sounds good".

Time skip to them being in bed

Alex pulls Miracle to his chest with her being the little spoon and runs his hand up and down her arm to try and relax her to help her get to sleep.

Nicole's PoV

I've just arrived home after leaving Alex and Miracle and I can't remove the smile I have on my face from how this evening went. I feel so excited about the way things are slowly taking a turn in the right direction and am definitely going to keep pushing that way forward especially seeing how more open and emotionally connected I feel with Alex and even starting to feel that with Miracle is making me feel like maybe our future together is going to be permanent even after the major mistake I made before Miracle came into our lives. I start heading to my front door when I see the so called friend that I cheated with on Alex and couldn't believe my eyes that she would come here.

Nic:- What are you doin here? I told you I didn't want to see you or have anything to do with you.
Eva:- I told you I wanted to see you and speak to you and so I came here.
Nic:- What you want is irrelevant I am not even going to hear what you have to say and if you don't leave I will call the police to come remove you. You have done enough damage to my life and I'm finally starting to get into a good place and won't have you ruin it for me.
Eva:- I'm pregnant and he's left me and I have no where to go and I don't have a job at the moment please I need help.
Nic:- What like I may have needed help the night my husband caught me with you and did you check on me, no you didn't you just left me to fend for myself and to top it off he could of got me pregnant that night and would you have cared then, no you were to worried about him and now karma is paying you back for the hurt you have caused. So leave I am not going to help you when you had no intention of helping me or have any care for me all those months ago.

Nicole walks away and texts Alex.

Text messages
Nic:- Eva was here when I just got home.
Al:- Are you ok? Did you let her in?
Nic:- Yeah I'm fine I just can't believe the audacity of her coming here and saying she needs my help when all those months ago she just dumped me there and didn't even check in to see if I was ok not that I would of responded but you know.
Al:- Yeah I get it, why did she need help?
Nic:- Apparently she's pregnant and he's left her and she doesn't have anywhere to go and no job. But like seriously she should of kept her priorities straight like I told her before but she never listened and now she's paying for it.
Al:- Do you feel ok staying there or should I ask Miracle if you can come stay in the guest room?
Nic:- Do you think Miracle would mind? I just don't feel safe especially with her coming to the house.
Al:- Just pack some things while I ask her, I am sure she will be fine with it.

Alex's PoV

I'm laid in bed with Miracle when my phone goes off. Miracle looks at me worried as Nicole not long left and I wasn't expecting any other messages. I read the message and respond to Nicole multiple times and then I turn to Miracle.

Al:- Baby girl you know Nicole told us about that girl calling her.
Mira:- Yeah what's the matter?
Al:- She's turned up at the house and Nicole is feeling unsafe (before I can ask Miracle anything she interrupts)
Mira:- Well tell Nicole to come here she can stay in the guest room, I don't want anything to happen to her because your staying here with me.
Al:- God you are amazing baby girl, let me just message her and then I will wait for her to get here and we can cuddle and sleep ok?
Mira:- Ok I will stay awake till she's here also, I don't think I could sleep till I know she's here and the doors locked and the alarm is set.
Al:- Ok baby girl.

I message Nicole to come here and we will wait for her, she tries to get me to get Miracle to sleep but I explain that she's not going to be able to till she's here, and everything is locked up and the alarm is set. Nicole then understands that Miracle does care about her and she was completely serious about giving her another chance even though she had hurt Miracle's feelings.

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