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Miracle's PoV

We are sat downstairs waiting for Nicole to arrive after Alex found out that woman turned up at their house, maybe it's worth discussing with them about finding a new house, especially if she's so easily able to access their home, imagine if Nicole is home alone and she ends up hurt or worse. But how do I bring it up without it sounding like I don't trust Nicole and think she may cheat again.

Alex's PoV

I can see Miracle thinking and am wondering what's got her so lost in thought, and start to panic that maybe it's not such a good idea that Nicole's coming. Just then the door knocks and I go and let Nicole in. I bring her into the living room and Miracle hasn't even realised that Nicole has finally arrived.

Nic:- Is she ok?
Alex:- I'm not sure, she's been like that for a while. Miracle, Nicole is here!
Mira:- Hi Nicole are you ok?
Nic:- I am now, I was so worried and wasn't sure what to do, apart from contact Alex or the police.
Mira:- I'm glad you did and your here now so we can lock up and put the alarm on, and you will be safe.
(Miracle looks off in a daze again, so I nudge her)
Alex:- Hey baby girl what you thinking about?
Mira:- I'm just worried I guess.
Nic:- What are you worried about?
Mira:- Don't take this in the wrong way but maybe it would be a good idea to look at a new house, somewhere she doesn't know where you live.
Nic:- Why do you think I would take it in the wrong way?
Alex:- She's worried you'll presume she's accusing you of possibly cheating again babe.
Nic:- Oh Miracle, I wasn't thinking of that at all, but I can see where someone would presume that.
Mira:- I'm just worried about your safety, with how things are at the moment and us taking things slowly, Alex has been spending his evenings with me and I'm worried that one night you'll go home and you'll end up hurt or worse. Of course your welcome to stay here but I know from what you've both said you do like your time apart and obviously my house isn't as big as yours so there isn't much space for you to have your complete independent time away from each other.
Nic:- How about we talk about this tomorrow after school and work so that we can really discuss in depth what would be best for all of us. As we may want to find a house big enough for the 3 of us to have that time or you may want to keep this house for your independent time and we find a similar house to what we have or we stay where we are. We all have early starts tomorrow so let's get to bed then I can pick up dinner on the way home as you both will already be home and we can discuss it over dinner.
Alex:- That sounds like a perfect idea babe.
Mira:- Ok, I'm going to bed goodnight guys.
Nic:- Night Miracle.
Alex:- I'll be there in a minute Miracle, I'm just going to help Nicole to the guest room.
Mira:- It's fine you can stay with Nicole if you want.

Miracle walks away without another word and I know that's she's convinced that now Nicole is here that I will automatically stay with Nicole but that's not the case as far as I'm concerned, as we are in our independent time. I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with Miracle and make sure she's knows that what happened before will not happen again.

Nic:- Can you show me the guest room?
Alex:- Yeah sure babe.
Nic:- Are you ok babe?
Alex:- I'm just worried Miracle thinks that just because your here that I will automatically drop her to stay with you.
Nic:- I can always go back to the house babe, I don't want us going backwards with the progress we have started having.
Alex:- No it's better that your here and I stay with her, than you leaving and me staying with her because she'll think you left because of her and it will make her feel worse than before.
Nic:- Good point. I'm just glad that we are at this point that she did feel ok with me coming here and that she's so worried she even mentioned about changing the house.
Alex:- Yeah me to babe, ok here's the guest room it's all fully stocked with everything you may need as Miracle said you may have forgotten something from trying to get away from the house so quickly and there are fresh towels on the towel warmer so you can have a shower or bath, personally put in place by Miracle. I will see you the morning babe love you.
Nic:- Thank Miracle for me babe for all the thoughtfulness in what she has done in here and I will see you at breakfast, love you to.

I walk away from the guest room and into Miracles room.

Alex:- Hey princess did you leave enough room for me or you taking up the whole bed?
Mira:- I thought you would of stayed with Nicole after what happened this evening.
Alex:- Babygirl I told you that I'm here with you and yes Nicole had a surprise visitor but she's fine and she said thank you for all the thought you put into the guest room for her.
Mira:- Oh good I'm glad she liked what I did for her. I just don't want her thinking I'm stealing you away from her that's all.
Alex:- You are not stealing me away from her babygirl, like we have discussed we are on our independent time and we don't go back from it till both of us agree that we are ready to be together again. Right now I'm trying to make up for my part on what happened in our house and I feel like I'm not in the right place right now to go back from the independent time yet if I'm completely honest as there is things going on in my head that I need to really think about and with me spending time with you I'm actually able to think clearly about those things and get some independent time with you.
Mira:- How are you able to think about those things if we are spending time together?
Alex:- I'm able to think about it because we have time where you nap and also we have a lot of time where we watch movies or just have quiet time while your doing homework or just privately reading.
Mira:- Oh I didn't think about how much time we just spend together but not actually talking is that a bad thing that we are doing that when we are spending time together?
Alex:- Oh sweetheart it's not a bad thing at all we are just spending quality time together and don't require talking to feel fulfilled in our relationship and to feel comfortable with each other.
Mira:- Oh that's good, do you have that with Nicole? Do you feel obligated to stay with me because of what happened at your house before?
Alex:- I guess it's more complicated with Nicole as we have been together for a while but after what happened I guess we have kind of lost that close connection but we are slowly moving forward. I'm not staying here because I feel obligated to stay here because of what happened at the house, I'm staying because I don't know if I could be without you right now.
Mira:- Isn't that bad considering you're married to Nicole and in a dom/sub relationship with her?
Alex:- Like I said we're on independent time right now, and until both of us are ready to come away from the independent time we will stay separately, but why don't we chat more about this tomorrow when it's just us and you can ask all the questions you want as we need to sleep.
Mira:- Ok that sounds good. Good night Alex.
Alex:- Good night my sweet princess.

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