Home sweet home

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Image above is Miracles outfit

Nicole's POV

We finally arrive home and I'm so nervous about Miracles opinion of our home. I turn to look at her and see a look of complete awe on her face it makes me smile, I nudge Alex so that he can see her reaction also and he just smiles. I then ask Miracle "what do you think of our home princess?" She just smiles and says "it's so pretty Mrs De Luca." I smile and say "princess you don't have to call me that you can call me Nicole when we are at home ok?" She smiles even bigger and says "yes Nicole". We get out of the car and Alex grabs Miracles suitcase and goes to grab her duffel bag but she nervously takes it from him. I go to say something to her when I notice Alex give me a look as if to say leave it. We go into the house and take Miracle to the room that we would classify as her big room, but currently is just her room.

Miracles POV

We get to a room and I'm completely amazed by it, it's so beautiful. I turn to them and say "this is such a beautiful room are you sure I can stay here", thinking to myself how I don't want to be a burden like I am to my parents. Nicole turns and says "it's your room princess, so why don't you unpack while I start on dinner does that sound good to you?" I just nod and start to unzip my suitcase that Alex was kind enough to put into the walk in closet for me. I heard footsteps leave the room and unpacked my entire suitcase and put it all in the spaces in the closet provided. I grabbed my duffel not realising I wasn't alone and started taking my little things out of it when I heard a noise, I turned and saw Alex stood there looking at the stuff in my hands. I start to feel tears falling onto my face announcing to myself that I'm crying.

Alex's POV

I've been helping Nicole with dinner when she asks me to check on Miracle because she's been awfully quiet and she was worried, I loved this side of my wife. I walked up the stairs and walked into Miracles room and into the closet when I noticed that she had pacifiers, bottles and stuffed toys in her lap, I was so drawn to it I hadn't noticed that she started crying till I heard her sniffles. I quickly went to her and picked her up into my arms and said "princess what's the matter?" She just looked at me and between her sniffling I heard her say "I'm sorry, I can't help it I'm such a burden and need those things." I gasped in shock and then said "Miracle you have no reason to be sorry, do you know why?" She shook her head at me and asked "why?" So i said "because me and Nicole are daddy and mommy doms". She looked so surprised at me and I then said "grab your little stuff that belongs in the kitchen and we will go talk to Nicole ok?" She just nodded her head and got the stuff like I had asked and we walked downstairs to the kitchen where Nicole was finishing dinner.

Nicole sees us and smile and says "hey princess, you finished unpacking?" I just clear my throat and say "Nicole, Miracle has some things that require some cupboard space down here". She looks at me says "ok babe, what do you have princess that I need to put away for you?" I took Miracles hand and took her round to Nicole so she could see her stuff because Miracle was so nervous about it.

Nicole's POV

When Alex brought Miracle around to me I could sense that she was nervous so I quickly looked at him and he just gave me a look to say babe please concentrate on her right now. I looked at what she had in her hands and realised it was pacifiers, bottles and sippy cups. I just smiled and said "oh princess, I have the perfect place for them", I take them off her and put them in a cupboard with others like hers that we bought for our potential little. I showed her where they were and she finally seemed to relax. I changed the subject quickly and said "dinner is ready, princess would you like a sippy cup or a normal cup?" Trying not to make a big deal out of it knowing that she was finding it hard with us knowing. She quietly whispered "please may I have my sippy cup?" "Of course you can princess, why don't you go sit down at the table while I plate the food up and get our drinks princess." Once she left I had the biggest smile ever and looked over to see my wonderful husband helping our beautiful Miracle to sit at the table. He came in and said "Miracle wants to know if we have apple juice please" I smile at him "of course, I'll get her some now". I fill her sippy cup up and give it to Alex so that he can give it to Miracle so she's not waiting to long.

I finally take our plates to the table and say "I hope you don't mind Miracle but I made my favourite Macaroni cheese and chicken nuggets". I have never seen her smile so big before when she declared that it was hers too. We sat eating our meal when I decided to ask Miracle "do you mind me asking how long you've been a little Miracle?" She squirms slightly and says "since I was 16, after reading about it in a book" I just nod my head then ask "do you mind talking about this?" She just says "never really had anyone to talk about it with before so I don't mind". I smiled so big at her.

Questions between Nicole - Nic, Alex - Al and Miracle - Mira

Al - Have you had a Dom before? Mira - no I haven't
Nic - Are you looking for a mommy or daddy or both? Mira - I don't mind
Mira - Do you have a little? Nic - no we don't, but we do want one
Nic - Are you a sexual or non-sexual little? Mira - (blushes completely red) sexual, is that ok? Al - that's absolutely fine princess
Al - What type of little things do you use? Mira - pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups, onesies and stuffed teddies
Nic - Is there anything you would like to try? Mira - yes there are
Mira - What type of little you looking for? Al - depends really on connection for us
Al - What things do you want to try? Mira (blushes) - diapers, pull ups and maybe breastfeeding if I have a mommy
Mira - is breastfeeding something you would try? Nic - absolutely I want that connection
Nic - Would you like to try being our little? Mira - are you sure?
Al & Nic - absolutely Mira - ok I will try.

I see that we have all finished and asked her if she wanted to watch a movie with us and she smiles and says "yes please, can we watch moana please?" I just smile and nod.

Skip to bedtime

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