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Miracles PoV

I couldn't believe it I had finally had my first kiss and it was amazing but then I remembered what has happened and feel it taint my happy moment by the hurt Alex has caused. He asked me to lunch again and I agreed but this time we got takeaway and headed to my house to eat it. When we arrived I walked in and sat down to eat my food when Alex asks "Miracle, are you a virgin?", I didn't know if I could voice my answer so I just nodded my head. Once the food was eaten the rubbish cleared away we went and watched a movie, while watching the movie I felt Alex kiss my cheek and then work his way down to my neck kissing and sucking it causing me to moan out loud because it felt so good. He carried on but I slowly pulled away as I wasn't sure if I wanted him to carry on as I wasn't sure whether to forgive him or not as we hadn't really spoke about it all. So I asked "I am tired will you lay with me so I can take a nap?" We go to my room upstairs and lay down on the bed with Alex curled into me from behind while caressing me and kissing me softly.

Alex's PoV

I'm curled up with Miracle and kissing her softly on the neck and caressing her which is causing her to moan and it's making me so happy. I love the sounds I'm causing to come from her and wish I hadn't possibly ruined what we have so far. I still worry that she won't forgive me and the guilt of what I've done is destroying me inside so I stop kissing and caressing her and say "Miracle, I'm so sorry I should've never allowed it to happen when I saw you. Please forgive me, you complete me in ways I never knew possible". She rolls towards me and says "I just don't know! How am I supposed to feel after what she said? I told you I didn't want to be a burden and I would've of happily stayed here alone like always but you both said I wouldn't be and then she said what she said and you knew I heard but rather than check up on me you fucked her like I wasn't there". I pull her into me and hold her as tight as I can and say "I will never be able to forgive myself for what I did but Miracle you are not a burden to me at all. I wish I could go back and change what happened after what she said and go with you. I will never allow anything like this to happen if I can help it you mean so much to me already. I will also do anything you want me to do for you to forgive me, if you want to stay here we will and if you want to come back to the house then that's fine to and I will even sleep with you every night. I will do anything for you just please tell me what to do for your forgiveness". She looks at me and goes quiet I'm panicking inside not sure what she will say or what she will do.

Miracles PoV

I am completely shocked by what Alex has just said and decide to start with the most logically thing and say "do you actually mean what you said?" He looked me straight in the eye and said "I mean every word Miracle". I looked at him and then said "if I said I want you to give me a baby would you do it?" Alex looks at me and plainly states "I would willing give you a baby Miracle, but I hope you would wait a while so that you can finish school". I turn to him and state "I finish at Christmas because I have everything else I just need these 3 classes". He smiles at me and says "what about college?" I reply with "I want to do online courses because I don't like going to school now, so luckily I can do college online instead of attending classes and I've already looked into what courses I'm doing and I can start after Christmas if I want because it's online". He then turns serious and says "Miracle is this seriously what you want right now?" I look at him and say "I just wanted to know what you'd say, I do want a baby with you but not right now is that ok as you are married to Nicole?".

Alex's PoV

I think about what's she just asked and inside I'm sad that she wants to wait for a baby but know it's the right thing to do, I want a baby with her so badly and didn't even question it but I've been having doubts about having a baby with Nicole. I wonder how she'd react knowing I was so willing to give Miracle what she has been so desperately trying to make happen. I then said to her "why don't you have a nap and then we can talk some more about it" she smiles at me and agrees with me. I cuddle with her rubbing her back soothingly until she finally relaxes and falls asleep. I sit here and go back to my thoughts from earlier and think about how when Miracle asked for a baby I was ready to say I'll arrange an amazing evening just for us and plan everything to make it special for her first time, but Nicole says about having a baby and I'm like is that really something we should be thinking about and after some time had passed I finally relented and said ok we will try so she stopped her birth control and there has been nothing at all.

Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by a buzzing from my phone, I slide away from Miracle so that I don't disturb her and head downstairs. I look at my phone and see that Nicole has texted me.

Nic - where are you?
Al - with Miracle
Nic - how is she?
Al - very upset at the moment, and I don't know what she wants to do
Nic - will she come back to the house?
Al - I don't know she's unsure how to feel
Nic - what do you mean?
Al - she heard what you said and I knew she was there and saw her crying and rather than make sure she was ok and comfort her, I completely acted like she wasn't there and fucked you and when we finished I remembered she was there. I looked up and she still was crying her eyes out and when I finally got up to check on her she was locked away in her room crying and rather than try and do everything I could to deal with her then. I just decided to shower and go to bed. Then this morning I woke up and felt like something was wrong and instead of worrying about it I just carried on getting ready
Nic - well I didn't know she was there and I'm your wife we can have sex together
Al - it's not about us having sex Nicole, it's about the fact that I knew that our potential little heard what you had to say and I looked her right in the eyes and saw the tears falling from her eyes and just fucked you instead of comforting her
Nic - ok I get that but we do need to have that talk that I wanted
Al - well I will be here as long as she wants me to be so let's do it now while she is napping
Nic - I don't want to do it over text though
Al - well right now what either of us want is irrelevant we want her to be our little so we need to put her needs first. You said to her that she wouldn't be a burden if she came to stay with us and the same night you made that comment which is making her feel like she is a burden. So right now all I am worried about is making up for your comment and the actions I did after. So you can text me what you want to discuss or you can wait a few weeks it's your decision
Nic - I'm sorry your right I didn't realise how it sounded until she threw it back at me earlier. I want to try IVF so that we can have a baby
Al - I think that we should at least get tested to see if there is anything wrong before trying IVF Nicole
Nic - ok when should I arrange our appointment
Al - you arrange yours right now and I'll arrange for one when Miracle is at school because I don't want her to feel excluded
Nic - maybe you can do a joint appointment with Miracle so that you can arrange birth control for her
Al - I don't think that's a good idea Nicole especially with everything that's just happened yesterday and that she hasn't said anything about what will happen between us
Nic - ok well I will bring over dinner and apologise if she will let me
Al - ok well I will see you soon

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