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(Renskall fluff, 520w)

Ren was a flirt. There was no doubt about that.

He enjoyed lightly messing with his friends, and sometimes the occasional stranger. 

And, he enjoyed even more flirting with the people he liked, because then he got to see them flustered.

But the chance of someone flirting back was never something that crossed Ren's mind. And it was certainly not something he would be able to handle, unbeknownst to him.

Ren was studying with a few of his close friends in the library during lunch one day. He was feeling rebellious一 like that morning he had woken up and chosen chaos.

He was making the usual flirtatious comments, albeit as quietly as he could seeing as he was on his last warning for noise in the library.

It was when Ren worked up his courage to flirt with Iskall that things went wrong.

"That's...-" Doc rubbed his eyes in impatience,  "You're being stupid, Ren, that's not even a quote from Macbeth, that's Romeo and Juliet."

Iskall leaned forward, reading Ren's notes. "And 'To be or not to be' is from Hamlet."

Stress sighed across the table. "Ren, honey, you're not even trying." 

"I just don't know why Shakespeare is important for me to study, okay? Why do I need to know these quotes anyway?" Ren sighed, "This is dumb."

"Not to be a nerd, but like-" Iskall shrugged, "I think Shakespeare is really interesting."

Grian snorted, "You are a nerd."

"Hah! You're one to talk.." Iskall childishly blew a raspberry at his blond friend, then tapped Ren's shoulder. "But if you need help with ELA homework, I could walk you through it. Are you free to come by mine today?"

A grin made its way onto Ren's face. "Are you asking me out on a date?" He asked teasingly.

To his dismay, though, Iskall wasn't phased. Iskall laughed.

He smirked, lightly placing a hand on Ren's leg under the table. "Totally."

Ren's heart jumped up into his throat, beating at ungodly speeds. His mouth dropped, his face burning up. 

A beat went by before Ren began sputtering something along the lines of, "wai- wh- you- i-" before he finally decided on, "waIT- WHAT??"

Iskall laughed cheerily, patting Ren's leg before taking back his hand. Doc chuckled, raising his eyebrows at Ren with the underlying message of "We're talking about this later."

Stress giggled and Grian gave Iskall a big high-five.

Everything was great一 other than Ren having a gay panic, but he was distracted from that soon enough when the librarian stormed over and told Ren that last time was his final warning, so get out.

Ren slowly packed his things, mumbling awkward goodbyes and see you laters to his friends.

He locked eyes with Iskall, just for a moment. The swede offered him a small smile, and Ren tried his best to reciprocate it before leaving the library.

He made it out the door.

Then he leaned against the lockers, dropped his backpack and binder, and slumped to the ground holding his head in his hands.

"Holy shit.." He mumbled into his palms. "I'm… so gay."

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