honey boy

438 26 7

(Grumbo fluff, 916w)

Grian giggled childishly as he nimbly hopped over a block of copper Mumbo had put out, smearing it with wax as he moved.

"Grian!" Mumbo shrieked, chasing the avian as he weaved through the uniformly spaced copper blocks, waxing each he passed and subsequently ruining the nice oxidised look Mumbo had been going for.

Mumbo finally caught up with Grian, but not before he had waxed the good majority of his copper. He grabbed Grian's wrist, pulling him back and snatching the beeswax from his hands.

"Griann!" Mumbo said again. He held the beeswax high above his head, using his height as an advantage against his friend. "You know how long it takes to oxidise copper! Just that much oxidation took like, two days!"

It was a lot of work that Grian just reversed. Mumbo knew he should've been angrier with him. But, come on. It was Grian

Grian's wings fluttered as he tried to reach his wax, jumping for it but not making the height. It was early season, so neither of the two could fly yet- Mumbo because he hadn't yet gone to The End and gotten an elytra, and Grian because his wings we're always sore for a while after they shifted seasons.

"Come on, Mumbo! It's fun!" He insisted, trying to use Mumbo's arm as a climbing pole.

The ravenette shook him off, "Is it really? Maybe I should try it next time you put out copper."

Grian gasped melodramatically, looking at Mumbo with wide eyes. "You wouldn't." He hissed.

Mumbo just grinned.

As the shorter kept trying to grab for his wax, Mumbo's malicious grin melted into a dopey, fond smile. He probably looked like an idiot. He didn't really care.

Grian noticed his expression and blinked. The avian gave up trying to get his beeswax and smiled back at his taller friend, regarding Mumbo as if he had hung the moon.


The two continued with their antics, playfully messing with eachother for the next few hours, and before they realised it the day had slipped away from them.

The two were sitting on top of Mumbo's newly constructed vault door when the redstoner mentioned it. Grian glanced at the rising moon, frowning. "Oh, yeah I should probably head back to mine for the night. I'll let you sleep."

Mumbo nodded. He hopped to the ground, wincing a bit as he felt the impact in his ankles. He held his hand up to Grian for him to follow.

Grian looked at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to say something.

Mumbo was confused ...What did he want him to say?

After a pause, "...Grian?"

"Uh, ye-yeah." The avian fumbled, shaking his head quickly.

The expecting look was gone- Mumbo's perplexion was not.

Grian pushed himself off the tiled door and fluttered to the ground gracefully, and once he was landed he had a large grin on his face as if nothing had happened. "I'll see you tomorrow, tat-man!"

Grian began making his way back to his base, a bit of a forced skip in his step. Mumbo didn't think much of it and chuckled, waving goodnight to his friend.

"Bye, honey boy!"

Grian stumbled. He seemed to have forgotten how to walk for a moment before righting himself.

Mumbo took a quick step forward. "Grian? You alright?"

"Um... Yeah, sorry-" Grian's cheeks and the tips of his feathers turned a light shade of pink. "I just thought for a second there-"

The gears in Mumbo's brain began turning.

Grian pursed his lips. "Nevermind."

Once again, Grian began making his way back to his rock, though dropping the skip in his step.

It was then that Mumbo realised what had been said to make Grian stumble. Or, in reality, what Grian thought had been said.

The ravenette covered his mouth with his hand to hide the bashful smile that grew upon face.

Giving into temptation, he called after Grian, "Sleep well, honey!"

And there it was again- Grian tripped over himself again, though this time he seemed sure of what he heard. He whirled around to face Mumbo. "Honey?!?"

Mumbo laughed. "Honey boy!"

"No, no, you just said 'honey'"


"Th-there was no boy there!"

"Grian are you-"

"You just petnamed me!"

"Grian, your face is very red."

"Oh, I wonder why--"


A very exasperated Scar startled both Mumbo and Grian out of their play-argue, yelling from the top of his tree. He was presumably really tired from placing leaves all day.

Looking up at Scar, then looking back at eachother, a beat passed between Grian and Mumbo.

Then they both burst into a fit of laughter. Mumbo looked at Grian as he laughed and he realised he'd kinda been stalling Grian's leave. Hm.

"Um-" Mumbo managed through his laughs, "Do you wanna like-" Grian snorted, which made Mumbo laugh again mid-sentence, before continuing. "...Spend the night with me? W-we can just talk and hang out and... maybe be quieter for Scar and I know I don't really have much of a base yet but-"

Grian interrupted his friend with a hand on his shoulder. "I'd love to, Mumbo."

Mumbo bit back another dopey smile.

"Thanks, Honey boy."

"Of course, Tat-man"

"Come on, Grian I'm calling you honey- boy. Honey boy. I think I deserve something better than 'Tat-man.'"

"Oh, like what, Baby Potato?"

"Well, maybe! I don't kno-"


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