Six: Strange house.

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September 12th, 7am.

Venti shoots up, gasping softly.

He looks around the room. It rather plain. It definitely wasnt his room, that's for certain.

He looks over on the floor seeing another body.

He hesitated to get outta of the bed, stopping when he saw a cat. "Shit-" He climbs back into the bed, backing up.

The cat sits on the body, staring at Venti. It was a black maincoon, his eyes a dark peircing green. He stares at Venti.

The body moves, an arm going over the cat. Venti inhales softly, and then sneezes, making Xiao look at him, "Morning." He mumbles.

Venti looks around, "Uhm, morning. What am I doing here?"

Xiao sits up tiredly, holding the cat to his chest, "You fell asleep and didnt tell me where you lived, and so I brought you here. I hope that's okay." Venti nods softly, "Uhm..Yeah." Venti swings his legs over the edge, hissing at the pain.

"You want something to eat? And drink?" Xiao places a soft kiss to the cats head, putting him down, "Uhm..Coffee, if that's okay." Venti says, and Xiao goes through his drawers. Grabbing a hoodie and jeans for Venti, "Here, you can borrow these. The showers over there if you want."

He points at the door to another room, and Venti nods, "I'm surprised you still talk to me after yesterday."

Xiao shrugs, grabbing his own clothes, "Nothing to be ashamed of. Things happen. You're human. You have ADHD, that's fine. I get it." He smiles softly, Venti smiles softly, "I..dont take my medication because it..Makes me consider things. I hear things, see things. And it makes me tired, overwhelmed. I dont know. I know it's not good to be off it. But..." Venti smiles sadly, "My mom told me to be myself. And the medicine..It doesnt make me myself, it makes someone else. When I'm off. I get hyperactive, and I get more..Me i guess. I speak really fast too-" Venti was rambling, but Xiao didnt dare interrupt him. But he nodded along, "You and my sister would get along." He says, "I'll leave you to change, or shower, whichever. Do you prefer hot or cold coffee?"

"Uhh, cold. Hot has a weird texture to it for me." Xiao nods, picking up the cat, "Also I'm allergic to cats-" He says, and Xiao giggles. He fucking giggles.

It makes Venti blush, "Okay." Xiao leaves the room, closing the door.

Once its shut he stands in shock, "Did I just fucking giggle?"


Venti leaves the room, walking down the stairs hesitantly.

He reaches the kitchen, he sees Xiao talking with a woman, smiling, and laughing. He knocks on the wood softly, and Ganyu gasps, "Hes cute!" She punches Xiao's arm, and he punches her in the shoulder, and she frowns, "Anyways. Ganyu!" She offers her hand, and Venti's nose scrunched up, "He doesnt usually do hand shakes." Xiao says, grabbing a cup, putting ice into it, and grabbing a jar from the fridge, pouring the coffee into the ice. He hands it to Venti, and the creamer, "Dunno how much you like."

Ganyu can sense the change in Xiao's demeanor.

Venti smiles, sitting down, "Thank you."

The three sit down, Venti watching as Xiao leans on his hand, closing his eyes.

Ganyu stares at Venti, "You seem familiar."

"Uhm, maybe you've seen me around. I'm a street Dancer. And I'm in a studio group."

"Oh! Yeah! I've seen that. You guys have a Dance teacher. He doesnt show his face right?" Venti nods, "He does, but on a different account. We are actually really close." He smiles, "We uh, we are actually planning a bigger thing. But I cant say, but, its gonna be great! I think youd enjoy it! It's in October!" Venti was nearly bouncing in his seat with excitement. "Oh! I'd love to attend that. It seems nice. We should go!" Ganyu shakes Xiao, "Yeah. Okay."

He smiles, "I can take you to the studio. We have some stuff we need to go over. But, I'd like to take you guys!" He smiled brightly, "Well, I have to work, but Alatus will go!" She returns the enthusiasm, and Xiao hums, "Yeah. I can. I don't have practice till Saturday." Venti grins, his hands tapping against his legs. Xiao leans over, "Stims." He whispers, and smiles softly. "You're going soft, Alatus." She smirks, watching Venti look around, "Do you want a tour? I'd be happy to take you!" Ganyu says, a few moments pass a child comes down the stairs, "Xiao Xiao.." She mumbles, hugging the boys leg. Xiao picks her up, "What's up?"

"Mmm...hungry.." She mumbles, Ganyu smiles, "My daughter. Her father was a piece of shit. Left when I said I was pregnant. Shes seven."

"Shes cute." He smiles, taking a drink of his coffee.

"Mmm, who is this?" She points at Venti, "That's Venti. Hes a friend." Xiao spoke so softly to her, thinking if he spoke too loud hed startle the little girl.

"Do you wanna take him on a tour through the house?" Ganyu asked, and she nods softly, and Xiao hands her a pop tart, and she takes its, and Xiao sits her down.

She walks to Venti, taking his hand, and she leads hims out of the kitchen. Once the two are out of ear reach Ganyu looks at Xiao, "YOu have a crush!" She practically screams, and the blush that covered his face made Ganyu squeal, "You do! Oh my god I didn't think anyone could do this to you!!"

Hes flustered, "Its not a crush. We've had one date! And-And I dont know if know..Into guys."

Ganyu laughs, "You never know, Lus. And well, I have an excellent gaydar. I knew you were pansexual before you did. Hes fruity."

The little girl talks about the rooms, "That's Xiao-Xiao's room, mine and mommy's room, grandpa's is up. This is the potty-" She points at another door, and then she leads him to another room, "This is where me and Xiao-Xiao practice. I play the piano. I tries the flute..But no good." She pulls him into the room, and they sit at the piano, "Well, I'm pretty good at the flute. Wanna have a duet?" He smiles softly, and her little eyes went wider, a smile on her face, "Yes! Thatd be fun!" She goes to a spot, opening a case, handing him the flute. He takes it gently, smiling, "Oh! Lemme get mommy and Xiao-Xiao!" Venti nods, watching the little girl run, her braid following behind, "I have no idea what your name is."

A minute later he hears Ganyu and Xiao talking to her, "Qiqi slow down!"

Venti is holding the flute with care, staring at it.

Qiqi tugs on his shirt and he smiles down at her, "You ready?" She asks, and he nods, "Of course."

He helps her sit on the stool, and stands near.

A bit later after Ganyu and Xiao relaxed, they began, simple yet addicting tunes. It calmed whatever nerves the Yaksha siblings had. Xiao watches as Venti plays the flute with ease. It was captivating, beautifully played.

He watches in complete awe, watching as his fingers switch spots to help the tune. Easy, smooth. Just captivating to Xiao. He couldnt help but blush. He felt dumb for getting flustered easily.

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