Thirty-Two: Dinner

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Xiao shakes Venti awake, humming softly, "Wake up, baby." He says, shaking him.

Venti groans softly, sitting up. Xiao stifles a laugh when he sees Venti's hair all messy, the blue mixed in with the black. Strands poking out, and some in his mouth. "Was that a good nap, my love?" He mutters softly, looking around, "What fucking year is it..And day? What..." He mutters, and that's what makes Xiao laugh loudly, "Yup, that was a good nap. C'mon, Ganyu is expecting us soon."

Xiao runs his hand through Venti's hair, "Oh, yeah. Right." He coughs, sniffling, "I think I need glasses." He randomly says, and Xiao hums, "After you finish up at the studio tomorrow we can call, set up an appointment to get your eyes checked, and then go from there." Venti nods softly, "Okay."


Venti helps Xiao navigate the car. A normal thirty-fourty minute trip takes an hour and a half. Due to Xiao being anxious, and screaming a few times.
He pulls into Ganyu's driveway, Venti laughing at how hard he hits the brakes, "Jesus christ!" He laughs, "You did good for your first time driving!" Venti says, giggling.

"That was scary! And that bastard who kept brake checking me for WHAT! I was not riding his ass."
Venti inhales, "Babe, you have road rage. You're gonna need to learn to control that."

"No! That fucker was break checking my ass for no reason! Hes the one going thirty two in a fourty!" He says, and Venti shakes his head, "Come on, baby, you need a drink." He gets out, and Xiao aggressively takes the keys from the ignition, muttering under his breath.

Venti opens the driver seat door, "Come on ." He helps him out, kissing his cheek, "Come on," He takes Venti's hand, walking to the door, knocking.

A woman opens the door, and both of them stare at her. She stares back.
"I have no idea who you are, where is my sister-" Xiao says, and Ganyu peeks out of the door, "Oh! Hi! Come in." She pulls the two inside, and Venti giggles.

He looks at the other girl as she navigates through the house. She has long purple hair, and she hums to a tune that's playing.

"Uncles!" They hear Qiqi, and her tiny steps running through the house.

Venti has no time to react when Qiqi hits him in the crotch with her toy when she hugs him, making him fall to his knees, "Oh shit!" Xiao yells while laughing, and Ganyu wheezes, and leans on the wall for support.

Venti has his head on the ground while he groans. Xiao slides onto the floor laughing, "Im-im so sorry Ah~Ti- HAHA-" Xiao laughs, wheezing.
"I am in absolute pain." He groans out loudly, and Xiao laughs harder, "I'm sorry!"

Qiqi stares in horror tryna find out what's wrong, "Did I do something?" She asks, and Venti shakes his head, groaning. "No, babygirl, no-" Venti laughs, hugging her, and Xiao inhales, while laughing softly.

Venti flips Xiao off, patting Qiqi. Xiao laughs, inhaling, "Wow. I'm sorry for laughing but holy shit." Xiao helps him stand, laughing softly.

"Shush." He says, walking to the kitchen with Qiqi in his arm, and against his hip.
He sits her down on a chair, and into her own chair. "Do you want some ice?" Ganyu asks, while laughing softly, "No, I'm okay. That just caught me so off guard." He says, smiling, "Also, pretty lady. Who?" He asks, and the girl hums, "I'm Keqing." She says, offering her hand, "Ohh. So you're why Ganyu was out all night." He teases, and Ganyu spins around to look at him, her face red.

"Oh! I'm Venti!" He shakes her hand, smiling, "Hm, yes. I've heard of you."
"Hopefully good things." Venti laughs, "Oh, absolutely. I hear you're the reason Xiao is how he is now."
Xiao smacks his head on the table in embarrassment. "I'm the reason for many things with him." He teases, and Xiao looks at him, "I'll have Qiqi hit you again."

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