Fourty-Four: Wedding. (Not Xiaovens 💀)

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Five months later. May 12th.

Venti wakes up to Qiqi running into his room, and jumping onto the bed, making him and Xiao groan, "Good morning to you too, Qiqi." Venti giggles, hugging her, and she laughs, wiggling around, "The wedding is today!"

"It is! Are you excited!?" He grins, and She nods, "Yes! I'm gonna be the flower girl!" She giggles, "You are!"

"When will you and Xiao-Xiao get married?" She asks, "In due time, sweetheart. Let's get through my dads, hm?"

She nods, "Will you ask Xiao-Xiao soon?"
Xiao snickers, "Soon, yes." Venti kisses her cheek, "Let's go eat, hm? Let leave Xiao to get his rest, hes sleepy." Venti gets up, watching Qiqi run out, and Venti grabs a pair of pants, and throws them at Xiao, "Get dressed!" He laughs, grabbing a shirt and putting it on.

"XIAO!" Ganyu yells, and Venti shuts the door, "Quickly!"

Xiao groans, and sighs.

Venti hugs Ganyu as she sets two suits on the table, "Theyve been adjusted to fit you both, so! We have to go and get the cake-"

Venti puts his hands on her shoulders, "Calm down. It's my dads wedding, you dont need to be so stressed about this. Let me worry. You'll have mine and Xiao's to stress about."

Xiao comes from the room, yawning. "Hey."

Ganyu looks at him and then at Venti, "Really?"

Venti shrugs, grinning, "He was very charismatic~" He teases and winks at Xiao. "I honestly forgot you guys were coming by." He says, grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Of course you did-" She covers Qiqi's ears, "Venti didnt and you still did it!" She hisses, "Did what?" Qiqi asks, "Nothing, honey." She looks at the two, and sighs.

Venti giggles, and grabs a drink from the fridge.

Ganyu rolls her eyes, and walks back outside, "Get dressed, we have things to do."

Venti nods, and looks at Xiao and smiles, kissing him softly, "I love you." He whispers, and Xiao smiles, kissing him back. "Okay, let's be serious. Ganyu will kick our ass."

"Don't say that word, Qiqi." Venti says, and Qiqi hums, "Mommy says that word all the time." She says, "That and alot of other words."

"Okay, well, still. Dont say it."



Venti helps Max adjust his tux, humming softly as he fixes the tie. "Who taught you to tie a tie?"

"I did." Venti says, smiling softly. He grabs a pin, and a brush, and begins to fix his hair. "I'm glad you're here, Venti."

"I am too." He says, smiling.

Xiao opens the door, peeking in, "Alright, Quinn's ready."

Venti smiles, "You ready?" He asks, and Max nods, "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Hey, its gonna be okay."

"I mean, I tripped at my first wedding so-"
"Seriously?" Venti looks at him, and Max nods, "Yeah."

Venti giggles, and sighs, "We got this." Max nods, exhaling.

After a moment, Venti hooks his arm around Max's and they walk out of the room, and Max smiles when he sees Quinn standing there, smiling. Xiao smiles at Venti, Qiqi sitting on his lap, grinning happily as she kicks her feet.

Xiao watches as the two walk to the altar. Venti puts his forehead against Max's, and nods, and walks to sit next to Xiao.

~I have no clue how weddings are so we skippin'~

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