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You love to make jewelry yourself. By now, many of your friends have asked you if you could make them some jewelry.
So today you're sitting in Eddie's trailer. You feel like you've already moved in because you're always with him. Whether night or day.
Right now you're working on a bracelet for Nancy. She doesn't know she's getting a bracelet yet, though. Jonathan asked you for a bracelet for her in this case.

You are threading a green bead onto a string when Eddie enters his room. You flinch slightly because you are so focused.
,,Hey, who are you making a bracelet for today?" asks Eddie, who is wearing a messy bun along with a tank top and shorts, and sits down on the floor with you. As he does, he takes off one of his rings and starts playing with it.
,,Jonathan asked me for a bracelet for Nancy. He wants to give it to her since they've been together for a year."
You thread the next bead. This time a pink one.
,,Jonathan always asked Nancy about her favorite colors. So that it would be perfect for her. Isn't that sweet?"
I look up at Eddie. He obviously stopped listening to me after the first sentence. He stares into my eyes with an amorous look.
I raise my hand in front of his face and move it.
,,Hello Eddie, are you still there? Or did you just fall asleep with your eyes open?"
Eddie shakes his head to wake up from his stupor.
,,Sorry I wasn't there. I just wonder every time how someone as beautiful as you wants to be with me."
In response, you put Nancy's bracelet aside and crawl to him.
When you reach him you sit down in front of him and take his hands out of his lap and put them in yours.
,,Eddie, why are you always so mean to yourself? Why do you assume you're not good enough for me? You are the best thing that could have happened to me. Without you, I would still be sitting around alone at school. I would never have made friends like I did in the Hellfire Club. Besides, you're way too cute when I wake up early and you're still asleep. How your hair is always so tangled from your head..." you don't get any further because Eddie presses a big kiss on your lips. He takes your face in his hands.
,,You don't look bad either. Especially when you get out of the shower," Eddie says and winks at me. His thumbs run over your cheeks.
,,Oh, Eddie! You can never be serious."
,,Sorry princess, I'm not a romantic person. But if you want to have a little romance: I love you. And I really do."
Eddie already has a little smile on his lips again. "I'd love to eat you up."
You roll your eyes but still have to laugh at his joke.
Then he looks at you with a serious face and asks: "Why are you laughing? It wasn't a joke."
You put your arms around his neck and just give him another kiss.
Eddie puts his hands around your hips and pulls you onto his lap. After you have finished the kiss, you move your faces away from each other a little.
"Do I get one of those bracelets?"
"Babe do you want a pink and green bracelet too?" you ask, teasing him. Of course you know he doesn't want those colors.
,,What do you think?" when he asks this question, he tilts his head.
"It just so happens that I made a bracelet for you a while back."
You get up from his lap. You have to take Eddie's arms off you because he won't let you stand up.
You walk to one of his shelves and pull out a black and white beaded bracelet. It has your first letters on it.
Eddie immediately stands up and takes it.
,,This is perfect. How long have you been hiding this?" "It's only been a week. I wanted to give it to you at the perfect moment."
Eddie puts it on. It matches his rings perfectly.
Immediately, you're hugged tightly. You turn back around and take another bracelet off the shelf. It looks exactly the same.
,,I made myself one too. So everyone knows that we are together. For those who don't already know it from you. If that's even possible."
Eddie blushes slightly. "You know I'm so proud to have you." He takes your hand and puts the bracelet around your wrist.
One last kiss on his lips, then you sit back down on the floor. "But now let me quickly finish the bracelet for Nancy."
Eddie takes his guitar and sits down behind you. One leg at each of your sides. He leans against his bed and starts to play.
So you finish the bracelet with the sound of guitar music and Eddie's quiet humming.

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