drunk Eddie

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- you come back from a party and have to support Eddie because otherwise he would fall down

- "Babe, why do you always have to drink so much?"

- Eddie doesn't understand a word you say and just looks at you dreamily

- "You're beautiful." ,,Thank you Eddie."

- "How do you know my name? Are you my girlfriend?" "Yes, I am."  "Wow."

- "Thanks for walking me home. That's really ni..."

- Suddenly Eddie puts his hand over his mouth and gags.

- you pull him to the side of the road and turn him towards the meadow you are passing by

- Luckily, you still have a hair tie of yours around your wrist. You make Eddie a braid with it

- You wait a short time and then it starts, he throws up.

- After Eddie has emptied the contents of his stomach, he turns to you and wants to hug you.

- ,,Thanks for your help." He spreads his arms and makes a kissing mouth. At the same time he comes torwards you

- Before he reaches you, you put your hands on his chest and push him away from you.

- ,,You can thank me later when you are sober again. Now you have vomit on your mouth."

- He makes a disappointed face. "You don't love me anymore?"

- ,,Of course I still love you. You're the only one to love." You say and put your arm around his waist again.

- Together you walk arm in arm to Eddie's trailer.

- Once there you open the door and take Eddie to his bed.

- Eddie immediately falls back and snuggles under his blanket

- "Let me undress you. So you don't have to sleep in your clothes."

- As Eddie doesn't move up you grab him by the arm and pull him up by it. First you take off his shirt and then his pants.

- When you're done he immediately falls back down again

- "See you tomorrow Eddie. Sleep well."

- Just as you are about to go through his door you hear him murmur, "Goodnight Y/N."

- you smile and close his door behind you

Eddie Munson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now